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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    #1587;بقة من المكري.



           - يدفع الزوج للزوجة نفقة تقدر بقيمة 

           - يمتثل المكتري لكافة القوانين والتشريعات واللوائح والأوامر الصادرة عن السلطات الحكومية أو الشبه الحكومية فيما يتصل بنظافة واستخدام وشغل وصيانة العقار.


           As already stated the modal shall is used basically to demonstrate that the legal subject of a given sentence has a duty not to do something. However, certain sentences in which the modal shall carries a meaning different than that pretended in legal writing can be found. Shall is sometimes used in a way that is truly confusing and causes a dilemma for the translator to assume definitively whether the modal shall is being used for an obligation, futurity or a false imperative. Consider the following examples:

           Source language Target language

           - Wife shall have the right to retain her married name or shall also have the right to return to her maiden or former name: _____________.

           - Husband shall have the following rights of title and ownership in the family residence: _____________. - يحق للزوجة الإبقاء على اسم زاوجها، ويحق لها أيضا العودة إلى اسمها السابق قبل الزواج:_____  .

           - يتوفر الزوج في  مسكن العائلة على حقوق الملكية و التملك من قبيل:_______________.


           The use of shall, in the two sentences above, bears no consequences on behalf of the legal subject neither wife nor husband. Obviously, The use of shall in legal texts is widely frequent; and therefore may pose certain difficulty for the translator.

           -4 - Lexical repetition or redundancy:

           In legal writing, draftsmen avoid the use of anaphoric devices or referential pronouns. Such as: the personal pronouns (he, she, it etc) or the demonstrative ones (this, that, etc), in addition to the verb ‘to do’ that may substitute a whole clause as in the following example, He rents a car and so does his brother (Sabra: 1995) 11. Actually, legal language is highly concerned with the exactness of reference; hence its tendency toward lexical repetition, and therefore to functional redundancy. By way of illustration, consider these examples along with their Arabic translations used by Sabra himself:

           - The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor at the office of the Lessor. - يد فع المستأجر إلى المؤجر في مكتب المؤجر...

           Here, if we opt for the po

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