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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    93;د في هذا العقد باسم الزوجة.    - إجمالي السومة الكرائية عن هذه المدة تقدر بمبلغ______. 

           Later, Tiersma (1999: 96)7 mentions another two reasons for legal language

           Conservatism, which are safety and convenience. Accordingly, the more conservative legal terms are, the safer a legal document will be. In other words, this use of antiquated terminology is driven by the need to avoid troublesome changes as far as legal lexical meaning is concerned. The principle, according to crystal and Davy (1986) 8, is that “what has been tested and found adequate is best not altered” p 213. Certain archaic words have actually acquired an authoritative interpretation over the years. So, altering them is an absolute risk. Also, this ongoing use of old-fashioned diction is, on the other hand, a matter of convenience. That is, what was workable before can be workable again.

           Despite the so called usefulness of the archaic touch within legal language, its functionality is still debatable. It is quite apparent from the examples given previously that certain outdated terms and constructions are truly a handicap for better understanding, they make legal language inaccessible for public reader or more specifically to those who are mainly concerned with legal matters and noticeably such terms render comprehension difficult. So, their unique compensation is seeking advice from lawyers as translators.

           -3- Archaic use of the modal “shall” in legal English:

           The modal shall pose a level of difficulty in both interpretation of clauses containing it and in the translation of such clauses. Traditionally, the modal shall, in legal texts, carries an obligation or a duty as opposed its common function: expressing futurity (Tiersma: 105) 9. More importantly, Sabra (1995: 31) 10 claims that any legal verb preceded by ‘shall’ is normally translated into Arabic in the present form. For more clarification, we include the following examples along with their Arabic translations

           Source language Target language

           - All such payments shall be made to Landlord at Landlord's address as set forth in the preamble to this Agreement on or before the due date and without demand.

           - Tenant shall make no alterations to the buildings or improvements on the Premises or construct any building or make any other improvements on the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord.

           - Husband shall pay to Wife spousal support in the sum of ______.

           - Tenant shall comply with any and all laws, ordinances, rules and orders of any and all governmental or quasi-governmental authorities affecting the cleanliness, use, occupancy and preservation of the Premises. - تدفع كل هذه الأقساط إلى المكري في عنوانه الموضح في ديباجة هذا العقد بتاريخ الاستحقاق أو قبله دون الأمر بالأداء.

           - يمنع على المكتري إجراء أي تغييرات بالمبنى أو تحسينات بالعقار أو إنشاء أي مبنى أو القيام بتحسينات على العقار دون موافقة خطية م&

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