The Negotiation Process 谈判过程(中英对照)
作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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The Negotiation Process/谈判过程:
It's time to negotiate! Here are a few golden rules to successful negotiations:
1) Always try to negotiate for at least 15 minutes. Any less than that and it is unlikely that either party has had enough time to fairly consider the other side. Generally, the size or seriousness of the negotiation determines the amount of time needed to negotiate it. Setting a time limit is a good idea. Approximately 90% of negotiations get settled in the last 10% of the discussion.
2) Always offer to let the other party speak first. This is especially important if you are the one making a request for something such as a raise. The other party may have overestimated what you are going to ask for and may actually offer more than what you were going to request.
3) Always respect and listen to what your opponent has to say. This is important even if he or she does not extend the same courtesy to you. Do your best to remain calm and pleasant even if the other party is displaying frustration or anger. Remember some people will do anything to intimidate you.
4) Acknowledge what the other party says. Everyone likes to know that what they say is important. If the other party opens first, use it to your advantage, by paraphrasing what you have heard. Repeat their important ideas before you introduce your own stronger ones.
5) Pay attention to your own and your counterpartner's body language. Review the chart below to learn how to interpret body language during the negotiations. Make sure that you aren't conveying any negative body language.
Language to use to show understanding/agreement on a point/表达理解程度或同意程度的语言::
? I agree with you on that point. 我在那一点上赞同你。
? That's a fair suggestion. 那是一个公平的建议。
? So what you're saying is that you... 所以你所说的是……
? In other words, you feel that... 换句话说,你觉得…..
? You have a strong point there. 你很强调这一点。
? I think we can both agree that... 我想我们都能同意…..
? I don't see any problem with/harm in that. 我在…上没有看到任何问题…
Language to use for objection on a point or offer:/表明反对某一观点或提案的语言:
? I understand where you're coming from; however,... 我明白你得道理,但是尽管如此…
? I'm prepared to compromise, but... 我做好了妥协的准备,但是…
? The way I look at it... 我看待它的方式….
? The way I see things... 我看待这些事的方式…
? If you look at it from my point of view... 如果你站在我的立场上看…
? I'm afraid I had something different in mind. 我恐怕有些不同意见。
? That's not exactly how I look at it. 确切地说我不是那样看的.
? From my perspective... 在我的方面…
? I'd have to disagree with you there. 在那点上我不能赞同你。
? I'm afraid that doesn't work for me. 我恐怕那对我行不通。
? Is that your best offer?这是你给我的最好选择么?
Body Language/肢体语言 Possible meaning/可能含义
Avoiding Eye Contact
避免眼神接触 ? Lying 说谎
? Not interested 不感兴趣
? Not telling the whole truth没有说出整个真相
Serious Eye Contact严肃的眼神接触
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