作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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Johnny washes his hands only if his mother makes him.
Sara wants to have dates,but her mother will not let her.
Peter works as hard as he can.
I have finished the assignment.Have you?
“Mary sings wee.’’“Yes.she does.’’
You received a better grade in that class than I did.
Paul always says he will do better work next
time,but he never does.
I do not like to be late.but I frequently am.
You used to study harder than you do now.
Come as early as you call tomorrow.
John works hard,but Mary doesn’t.
If your friends won’t tell you,who will?
William is as tall as his brother.
Mother scolds me worse than she does Father.
Mother scolds me worse than Father does.
The line between East and West Germany.(在and前边省略了Germany)
A Dane and a Dutch person meeting in Rome will almost automatically find themselves speaking
to each other in English.(A Dane后省略了person)
Surely,in this respect,British an d American English have not diverged very much,have they? (And前省略了English)
These pens are better than those.(Those后省略了pens)
William’s mother is older than John’s.(John’s后省略了mother)
Passing through a liquid or solid, sound is changed into heat.(此处Solid前省去冠词a)
After the usual dawn trip outside,we could see on the wall the faded pictures of a man and woman and their children,dressed in Western clothes,and out in the big open front room, …(这里woman前省去冠词a)
Of all those sisters.Mary is the most beautiful [one].
Let’s finish this exercise so we can go on to the next [one].
I like this picture better than that [one].
I like these pictures bet
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