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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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      Methods These vaginal delivery parturients were divided into the sections of observation (using laughing gas) and control between October 2000 and October 2001.

      问题:1。多少产妇?2。时间所指?3。笑气怎么使用?4。control group病人的性质,有无使用其他止痛措施?由此已经可以确认,这个研究是没有意义的。

      Revised: 120 primigravid pregnant women undergoing vaginal delivery between Oct. 2000 and Oct. 2001 were divided into two groups: the laughing gas group, and the control group used … as analgesia according to the patients choice. The analgesic outcomes of the two groups were compared.

      Results When the parturients using laughing gas in labor,their pain can be lessened obviously. some have secondary reactions ,such as dizziness and drowsiness. But the secondary reactions can be abolished only when we stopping using this gas

      问题:1。When…句法错误 2. can be lessened: 究竟减轻没有?3。什么叫secondary reactions? 4.只有当停用笑气后不良反应才消失,说明很严重,与结论;结论是矛盾的。5。

      Revised: Delivery pain was markedly relieved in the laughing gas group; mild adverse reactions such as dizziness and drowsiness were reported in individual patients, but they subsided with the discontinuation of laughing gas inhalation.

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