作者:古龙 2009-07-04语际翻译公司 转载请注明https://www.scientrans.com
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Recently Weiner and Khogali [7] have developed a method for cooling hyperthermic patients based on the principle of vaporization of warm water from the body surface by blowing warm dry air over the skin. Their method is an improvement on previous experience with vaporization of cold water from the body surface. [3,4] 【研究进展】
Based on their experience, we have utilized the same physiologic principles in treating heat casualties during a two-week period of desert training (44th MAU,CAX 9-82,MCAGCC,29 Palms, Calif.). In addition, we have applied these principles to normothermic volunteers to study the difference of the method and evaluate untoward effects. 【本研究的目的】
总的要求是:Readers must be able to reproduce your results, evaluate the validity of your results and the soundness of your methods, and follow the logic in the paper. 即:结果的可重演性、方法的可靠性以及前后的逻辑性。
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