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    职业翻译与有效的知识转化 (II)

       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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           1. Metacognitive Strategies

           a. Centering your learning (overviewing and linking with already known material, paying attention, delaying speech production to focus on listening)

           b. Arranging and planning (finding out about language, organising, setting goals and objectives, identifying the purpose of a language task, planning for a language task, seeking practice opportunities)

           c. Evaluating (self-monitoring, self—evaluating)

           2. Affective Strategies

           a. Lowering your anxiety (using progressive relaxation, deep breathing or meditation, using music, using laughter)

           b. Encouraging yourself (making positive statements, taking risks wisely, rewarding yourself)

           c. Taking your emotional temperature (listening to your body, using a checklist, writing a language learning diary, discussing your feelings with someone else)

           3. Social Strategies

           a. Asking questions (asking for clarification or verification, asking for correction)

           b. Cooperating with others (cooperating with peers, cooperating with proficient users of the language)

           c. Empathising with others (developing cultural understanding, becoming aware of others' thoughts and feelings)

    Source: Oxford (1990). Language Learning Strategies—What Every Teacher Should Know.

           New York:Newbury House Publishers  

           2. Finding one's own solutions to the problems identified and carrying them out (cognitive strategy)

           Problem identification comes under the metacognitive strategy, but here, the participants moved one step forward. They used cognitive strategies to solve their problem. All five participants, using the TAP technique, found that some sentences in the English language scientific texts were very long and confusing, and found such complex sentences very difficult to translate into the Malay language, which has a different pattern of grammar. If they were to maintain the complex sentences in the Malay translation, the target readers might become confused. In an effort to overcome this problem, they found a solution. They decided to divide the complex sentences into two shorter sentences for easier analysis and comprehension. In this way, the translation process became more manageable and simpler. The meaning was communicated much more easily and accurately and the participants were satisfied with their completed translated version in the Malay language.  

           3. Using the discrimination strategy to choose the closest equivalent term from two or three alternatives identified in the target language based on the context of the situation (contextual meaning) and the culture of the target readers (cognitive strategy).

           A word may have many meanings in different situations, so, the participants had to decide on choosing the most appropriate equivalent terms in their translation for the terms given in the English-language scientific source text. For this, they had to choose from a number of alternatives identified, using the discrimination strategy. The equivalent term which is finally chosen was also based on the context of the situation or contextual meaning of the text and the culture of the target readers, so that the target readers of their translated versions would not get confused. Some examples taken from the TAPs analysis of the five cases are as follows:

           a. For the word "responsible", the participant had to decide between the two terms

           tanggungjawab and berperanan; she chose berperanan as it suited the scientific context, whereas tanggungjawab is used for people in a social sense.

           b. For "emotional response", the participant had to choose between

           gerakbalas or tindakbalas; she chose the former as it suited the context of the situation or the contextual meaning of the text, whereas the latter is used in the context of a chemical reaction and was thus not suited to the text.


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