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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    Proverbs and Translation

            Proverbs are extracts of life experiences, and they can explain much of life. Below are some proverbs taken to explain some aspects of the translation process:

           A barber learns to shave by shaving fools.

           Just like the case in every profession, novices should be given their first opportunities by handling petite translation cases. On the one hand, a translation trainer may begin with his/her trainees by using fabricated texts. Unlike authentic texts that may be written by big shots in the different areas, literary and non-literary fabricated texts which may be written by the trainer himself lend themselves easily for translation. On the other hand, junior translators are supposed to do translations at any rate and cost for whoever wants a translation. A word of warning is necessary here: the translation should be carried out only after ensuring fully that no serious damages will be inflicted upon the client.

           A burnt child dreads the fire.

           Translation trainers should be very much careful not to upset, reproach, or punish their trainees. By being not mindful of this pedagogical and psychological axiom, trainers will negatively affect their trainees by turning them more and more introvert and passive in the translation classroom. First lessons should be of the encouraging sort, and students must be rewarded on their achievements whatever the degree of success may be.

           A chip of the old block.

           It has very often been observed that the family has a role in the making and shaping of translators. Just as the genes are responsible for passing a particular quality onto the child from its parents, memes are also responsible for transferring aspects of cultural evolution. The meme consists of any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that gets transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind of the family, or more, to another (the child). Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, practices, habits, songs, dances and moods and terms such as race, culture, and ethnicity. Most important of these in our special case are the ideas, thoughts, habits and practices of translation. These memes get more and more refined with the passage of time. It is worth pointing out that during what was called the golden era of translation, culminating in the House of Wisdom, family translators played a great role in the development of Arab and Islamic civilization. This can have relevance to private and government translation agencies by discovering and trying to promote the talents of those children.

           A clean carpet often hides a dirty board.

           To err is human, Pope says. And translations are full of errors of different sorts. They pass unnoticed because the language of translation is semi perfect. But these errors never escape an eagle-eyed critic who is well-trained and proficient in the two languages. So, unless the translator is very much trusted and tried, do not let yourself be cheated on by surfacely decorated, embellished and ornamented translation. Translation frauds like “This book is translated by a committee of university professors”, seen on some books translated into Arabic, must be expected and dealt with properly by not buying the book. Finally, all that glitters is not gold.

           A hungry stomach has no ears.

           Whether on the level of individuals or nations, it is uneasy to alleviate or tame the hunger for translations. It has been noticed that translations at such times found their way easily into the target cultures. But they go through a very complicated process of acculturation and examination when the hunger for knowledge and translation no longer exists. To use Venuti’s terms, foreignizing is expected at the first phase, while domesticating is done at the second phase.

           Beggars must not be choosers.

           Let those unindependent translators whose needs for money are much greater than anything else understand that they cannot choose their material for translation. They can only have the right to choose when they become independent or senior translators, in case they work for a translation agency or bureau.

           Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

           Novice translators must translate immediately at any c

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