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Laurence J. Brahm 在回答Insight 记者 Christopher W.Runckel的提问时,还信手拈来:
10)There is a Vietnamese saying on point“The laws of the emperor stop at the village gate.” Likewise in China the old saying,“The sky is high and the emperor far away” is often interpreted in modem parlance as “There are policies above and counter measures below.” This is reality.(天高皇帝远,上有政策,下有对策)
在谈到中国加入WTO以后还有许多很长的路要走,Laurence Brahm把中国的“天高皇帝远”加以变化,说了“The sky is high and Geneva is far away.”You have to educate the guy in the street too.That will take some time.
Insight的记者Christopher W.Runckel曾是美国资深外交官,担任过美国驻华使馆的参赞,对中国的情况十分熟悉,他在与Laurence J.Brahm进行的访谈中所提到的中国特色的词语都是研究中国问题的学者、记者、外交官所熟悉的。采用音译加注或是直译加解释的手法翻译、谈论的这些中国特色词语,似乎给他们的讨论增添了专业和学术的色彩。
如果说《时代》周刊和《新闻周刊》在中国的发行量大,拥有中国的英汉双语读者,《时代》中国报道文章的作者的意向读者群主要是《时代》的中国读者,那么,谢伟思当年所写报告的读者则是他的上级和美国国务院的官员,决不是中国的英汉双语读者。至于美国国防部发表的 e Military Power of the People’s Republic of China《中国军力报告》,虽然公开发表在美国国防部的英文网站上,我们也很难说报告的读者群主要是中国的英汉双语读者。大部分中国读者阅读的是报告的中文译文。Insight杂志在中国的发行量远不如《时代》周刊和《新闻周刊》,它的读者群主要是西方读者。那么,对以《时代》周刊和《新闻周刊》为代表的美国主流媒体的中国报道和其他有关中国的书籍、报告中对中国特色的词语采用的以异化为主的翻译策略,除了本文开始所引述的中国学者的解读以外,西方读者是如何解读对中国特色词汇进行音译加解释、完全按照汉语形式直译、以及直译加解释这些翻译方法的呢?
1.The authors of the articles translated the concepts and ideas about China in a literal way because they wanted to arouse the interest of Chinese readers who are able to read in English.Yes口No口
2.The authors of the articles translated the concepts and ideas about China in a literal way because they wanted to cater to the western readers who are interested in China affairs .
3.The authors of the articles translated the concepts and ideas about China in a literal way because they wanted to show to the western readers that their reports are reliable.
4.The authors of the articles translated the concepts and ideas about China in a literal way because they wanted to show to their readers ,colleagues or superiors that they are Chinese studies professionals.
5.The authors of the articles translated the concepts and ideas about China in a literal way because they had difficulty finding appropriate equivalents in English lang
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