作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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(1)① 自从在海边第一次看见这个美丽的少女,他就像着了迷似的爱上了她。②他是个小心谨慎,处世稳健的人。③他知道过早地表露是一种危险。④因此,他一直按捺着自己的感情。⑤只是根据道静的情形适可而止地谈着各种使她中意的话。
He had fallen in love with this beautiful girl when be met her at the seaside.However,he was such a sophisticated and cautious man that he knew that revealing his love too eagerly might spoli their friendship,so he had held back his feelings and talked only of subjects likely to please Tao-ching.
Some Greek philosophers held that all matter was made up of the same four “elements”- earth,fire,air and water;and many people therefore thought that if these elements could be rearranged,
one substance could be changed into another,for example,a base metal could perhaps be turned into gold.
So long as we keep on this attitude,everything will be all right,and we will not make major mistakes.
Hence,a machine may gain force at the expense of distance (or 5 ),or it may gain distance(or 5加 )at the expense of fore.
可以看出句中标点符号对于准确地表达原意有重要作用。其中or speed也可用逗号与全句分开,但不及括号来得醒目,更容易理解。
At that time there were two important things which were worth mentioning:one was the practical knowledge of the Egyptian workers in metals.pottery and dyes;the ot
(1)① 自从在海边第一次看见这个美丽的少女,他就像着了迷似的爱上了她。②他是个小心谨慎,处世稳健的人。③他知道过早地表露是一种危险。④因此,他一直按捺着自己的感情。⑤只是根据道静的情形适可而止地谈着各种使她中意的话。
He had fallen in love with this beautiful girl when be met her at the seaside.However,he was such a sophisticated and cautious man that he knew that revealing his love too eagerly might spoli their friendship,so he had held back his feelings and talked only of subjects likely to please Tao-ching.
Some Greek philosophers held that all matter was made up of the same four “elements”- earth,fire,air and water;and many people therefore thought that if these elements could be rearranged,
one substance could be changed into another,for example,a base metal could perhaps be turned into gold.
So long as we keep on this attitude,everything will be all right,and we will not make major mistakes.
Hence,a machine may gain force at the expense of distance (or 5 ),or it may gain distance(or 5加 )at the expense of fore.
可以看出句中标点符号对于准确地表达原意有重要作用。其中or speed也可用逗号与全句分开,但不及括号来得醒目,更容易理解。
At that time there were two important things which were worth mentioning:one was the practical knowledge of the Egyptian workers in metals.pottery and dyes;the ot
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