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    Jun. 16 2009    Cloudy    登陆 注册


       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    ut also solves the chattering problem.
    A laying trial was perform ed with 1440 DeKalb hens caged at 18 wk of age to test the effect of feed form (expanded pellets or mash) and type of formulation (for crude protein [CP]or for specific amino acid[AA]), and five levels of food restriction applied at either 24 wk or 32wk of age. (1)Formulation for CP rather than AA content resulted in 4.4% greater egg production and 7.1% production of egg mass in hens fed mash and 4.0% better feed efficiency in hens fed both mash and pellets. (2)Hens fed mash had 2.3% higher feed consumption, suggesting that the hens may prefer mash. (3)Feed restriction reduced body weight and hen—-day egg production proportionate to the restriction level, but egg weight was reduced only slightly. (4)These data suggest that care should be exercised in formulation for AA content rather than for CP, especially if feed intake is reduced. (5)This strain of hens Was very successful at regulating its feed intake for maximum production, and even a slight feed restriction produced a negative effect on production. (6) (Canadian Journal of Animal Science Vo1.79 No.2 June 1999)
            中文摘要惯用无人称句,长句出现也较频繁。因此在翻译时不应以汉语的自然句为单位来硬译,而应对原文作透彻的分析和理解后,再安排句式,有时还需分译成两个或两个以上的句子, 以准确得当地表达原意。例如:
    本文从水稻遥感估产的特点出发,在分析浙江省自然条件的基础上, 确定了以稻作制度为主导因子的分区指标,采用地理信息系统GIS空间邻接分析与图论的树算法相结合的方法进行浙江省水稻遥感估产区划研究, 得到了较为满意的结果。(浙江大学学报,2000 (4))
    该摘要是个长句,概述了论文的要旨,一是确定了分区指标, 二是以此为依据进行估产区划研究。因此可以分译成两个句子,各带自己的主语:
    Division indexes with planting as the main system are determined on the basis of the characteristics of yield estimation by remote sensing and the natural conditions of Zhejiang province.The regionalization of rice yield estimation by remote sensing of Zhejiang is studied by means of space neighboring analysis in GIS and tree algorithm with satisfactory result.
    Despite milk being an important product from sheep, there ale very few reports of milk production from the complete lactation of dairy sheep. The improved Awassi in Israel is kept under an intensive system of management with lambs being wean ed soon after birth. Records from one such flock were analyzed to investigate the suitability of various mathematical functions for describing milk yield from the complete lactations of dairy sheep.This included a consideration of⋯ (Anima l Science Vo1. 71 Part2 Oct. 2000)

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