[求助] 谁会谁敢翻译临床医学文献
作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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∗本栏目部分文章内容来自互联网,部分已经过本站编辑和整理,如有版权事宜请联系Email/MSN jesczhao@hotmail.com
37 Gagner M, Breton G, Pharand D, Pomp A. Is laparoscopic adrenalectomy indicated for pheochromocytomas
Surgery. 1996 Dec;120(6)1076-9; discussion 1079-80. PMID 8957498 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
38 A prospective randomized comparison of the metabolic and stress hormonal responses of laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy.
39 Laparoscopic detection of hepatic metastases in patients with residual or recurrent medullary thyroid cancer.
40 The prevalence of endometrial immunoglobulin G antibodies in patients with endometriosis.
41 Unusual contents of a dermoid cyst of the ovary removed by laparoscopy.
42 Hyperthyroxinemia after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism.
43 [Effect of gynecologic abdominal surgery on function of the hypophyseal-thyroid axis]
44 [Type-2B multiple endocrine neoplasms with diffuse liver metastases as the cause of chronic diarrhea]
45 The prevalence of polycystic ovaries in thin oligomenorrhoeic, anovulatory women.
46 Elevated free androgen index as an indicator of polycystic ovaries in oligomenorrhoea without obesity or hirsuties.
47 Idiopathic portal hypertension associated with Hashimoto's disease report of three cases.
48 [A case of echinococcal cyst in the round ligament of the liver. Preliminary note]
49 [Arginine-GnRH-TRH test in patients with primary hypothalamic amenorrhea]
50 [Amenorrhea following the administration of oral contraceptives]
51 [Mesenteric and retroperitoneal fibrosis. A case report. Review of the literature]
52 The ubiquitousness of premenstrual tension in gynecologic practice.
53 Inadequate cervical mucus--a cause of idiopathic infertility.
54 [Surgical laparoscopy]
55 [Systemic changes in occupational vitiligo]
56 [Methods of regulating fertility in women. Clinical efficiency]
1 Endoscopic transaxillary thyroid lobectomy flexible vs rigid laparoscope.
2 [Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in day-surgery analysis of feasibility in 166
consecutive patients]
3 Thyrotoxicosis after gastric bypass surgery prompting operative re-exploration.
4 [Minimally invasive surgery in endocrinology--potentials and limitations]
5 A reappraisal of the indications for laparoscopic treatment of adrenal
6 [Porphyria and inappropriate antidiuretic hormone syndrome]
7 Effects of laparoscopic ovarian drilling on young adult women with polycystic
ovarian syndrome.
8 The effects of laparascopic cholecystectomy operation on C-reactive protein,
hormones, and cytokines.
9 Laparoscopic gastric bypass in patients on thyroid replacement therapy for
subnormal thyroid function - prevalence and short-term outcome.
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