求助:医学英译汉 请帮帮忙
作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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求助:医学英译汉 请帮帮忙
医学, 求助
Maternal Risks
Approximately 25% of women with chronic hypertension in pregnancy develop superimposed
preeclampsia, which carries higher morbidity rates (both maternal and fetal) than all other forms of pregnancy hypertension. The risk of abruption placentae is increased threefold in women with chronic hypertension, and this complication can lead to life-threatening maternal hemorrhage. Other risks include accelerated hypertension with potential target organ damage and cerebrovascular catastrophes. Preeclampsia also confers increased risk of fatal intracerebral hemorrhage. Indeed, although maternal mortality rates are reduced considerably in developed compared with developing nations, hypertension still accounts for 15% of maternal deaths, most resulting from cerebral hemorrhage.
Women with renal disease and collagen vascular disease may experience irreversible deterioration in either renal function or multiorgan system morbidity, regardless of the development of superimposed preeclampsia . If significant azotemia is present (serum creatinine1.9 mgdL, or 168 umolL), the maternal and fetal outcomes are poor ,with worsened azotemia, proteinuria ,and hypertension commonly seen in the mother and growth restriction in the fetus. Finally, pregnancies in women with uncomplicated chronic hypertension are usually successful, but such women are more likely to undergo cesarean delivery and be hospitalized for high BP.
医学, 求助
Maternal Risks
Approximately 25% of women with chronic hypertension in pregnancy develop superimposed
preeclampsia, which carries higher morbidity rates (both maternal and fetal) than all other forms of pregnancy hypertension. The risk of abruption placentae is increased threefold in women with chronic hypertension, and this complication can lead to life-threatening maternal hemorrhage. Other risks include accelerated hypertension with potential target organ damage and cerebrovascular catastrophes. Preeclampsia also confers increased risk of fatal intracerebral hemorrhage. Indeed, although maternal mortality rates are reduced considerably in developed compared with developing nations, hypertension still accounts for 15% of maternal deaths, most resulting from cerebral hemorrhage.
Women with renal disease and collagen vascular disease may experience irreversible deterioration in either renal function or multiorgan system morbidity, regardless of the development of superimposed preeclampsia . If significant azotemia is present (serum creatinine1.9 mgdL, or 168 umolL), the maternal and fetal outcomes are poor ,with worsened azotemia, proteinuria ,and hypertension commonly seen in the mother and growth restriction in the fetus. Finally, pregnancies in women with uncomplicated chronic hypertension are usually successful, but such women are more likely to undergo cesarean delivery and be hospitalized for high BP.
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