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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    oth sides active.No pathological reflexes elicited.

           Routine blood test:RBC 4 500 000/mm3,Hb 14.5g%,WBC 21 000/mm3,N 80%,L 19% ,E 1%.

           Plate1et count:150 000/mm3.

           Chest fouoroscopy:a big patchy density over upper right lung.


           一般项目(general data)

           主诉(chief complaint)

           现病史(present history)

           既往史(past history)

           家族史(family history)

           体格检查(physical examination)

           实验检查和其他辅助检查(1aboratory and aided examination)




           原文                  译文1                        译文2

           吐黏液痰 spit mucous sputum; a cough productive of mucous sputum

           吐铁锈色痰 spit rusty sputum; a cough productive of rusty sputum

           胸痛 chest pain; thoracalgia

           乏力 lack of strength; weak

           家中无人患结核病 nobody in her family had ever got tuberculosis; there is no tuberculosis in her family medical history

           与结核病人密切交往 intimate contact with patients with this disease; intimate exposure to patients with this disease

           颈活动自如 neck could move freely; neck soft and supple

           无杂音 no noise; no murmur

           阴影 shadow; density

           既往体健,很少就医  She was healthy and seldom went to doctors; she was in good health in the past and seldom consulted doctors


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