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    Jun. 16 2009    Cloudy    登陆 注册


       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    t realistic: either too high or too low.

           10. Resumes of key personnel were inadequate.

           11. Personnel lacked experience or the required qualifications.

           12. The proposal was poorly written and not well-organized.

           13. The proposal did not follow the organizational pattern specified in the RFP.

           14. The completed proposal was not attractive.

           15. The proposal did not provide adequate assurance that completion deadlines would be met.

           16. Essential data were not included in the proposal.

           17. The proposed facilities were inadequate.

           18. The proposal failed to show that essential equipment and facilities were available.

           19. The proposed time schedule was unrealistic.

           20. The proposal failed to include the qualifications of the submitting organization (Bowman & Branchaw 1992).

           We have mentioned the importance of proposals to be well-written. The above arguments have proven how important is the role that extralingual factors play in producing successful proposals. Just to mention one obvious issue: If the proposal does not arrive by the submission deadline, is this fact related in any way to linguistics?

           来源:Tibor Koltay, PhD,Budapest, Hungary



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