作者:古龙 2009-07-04语际翻译公司 转载请注明https://www.scientrans.com
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例 8 The pregnant solution is first clarified through filters such as horizontal leaf type clarifiers. By using a precoat system with diatomaceous earth an extremely clear solution can be produced. The specific design criteria for these types of filters vary with the turbidity of the leach solutions. To avoid major upsets in the circuit, two filters should be online while another is being cleaned, precoated, and readied to go online as the next filter goes out of service. The solids removed by these filters are of no value and are backflushed to tails.
译文:先用过滤器比如水平叶状的澄清器 ( 把贵液澄清。通过预涂滤料系统 利用硅藻 ) 土 可以得到相当清澈的溶液。这些过滤器的具体设计标准随浸出溶液的浑浊度的不同而变化。为了避免在流程中出现大的问题,在第三台过滤器被清洗、被预涂滤料层、随时准备与另一台机器进行联机操作时,两台过滤器应当能够联机。被这些过滤器去除的固体没有任何价值,被反向冲到尾矿。
5 长句 黄金冶炼英语翻译中频繁使用长句,确保了句子结构及表意的严谨性。但由于句中有若干从句、修饰词等,有时会显得臃肿、晦涩,这无疑增加了理解和翻译的难度。由于中英两种语言思维、表达方式不同,翻译长句不能照句直译,应在充分理解各短句、修饰词、连接词所传递含义的基础上,把握句子的中心思想及中英文表达习惯和逻辑关系上的区别,对原句进行处理。例如:
例 9 Connect up the cooled funnel to the vacuum system and weigh the dry filterpaper and immediately filter the cyanide liquor taken from the refrigerator and start a stopwatch and time how long it takes to filter the 1 litre of cool cyanide liquor. Measure and record the final temperature of the liquor.
译文:把已冷却的漏斗和真空系统相连,称出干滤纸的重量,并将从冰箱取出的氰化贵液立即过滤,用秒表计录置换 1升冷却氰化液的时间。测量并记录液体最终温度。
例 10 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, if any dispute or difference whatever shall arise between the Parties with respect to or arising out of this Agreement or any part of it with respect to its construction, effect or any matter connected with or arising out of it or with respect to its operation or determination or the right or a duty of any party in connection with it then in any case the same shall be settled by an expert to be appointed by agreement between the Parties or in default of such agreement the matter will be settled in the court where Party B is located.
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