作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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英语, 翻译, 帮忙
L. casei administration. The mice were divided into four experimental groups. In three of them, mice were housed in individual boxes and given L. casei CRL 431 for 2, 5, or 7 consecutive days at 108 CFUmlmouseday. The cells were suspended in sterile 10% (volvol) nonfat milk and administered at 1% (volvol) in the drinking water. The mice in the control group received 10% nonfat milk in the drinking water under the same conditions as the test groups. The volume drank, controlled daily, was 2.5 to 3 ml in both experimental and control groups. Histological samples. At the end of each administration period, the animals were killed, and the small intestine was removed for histological preparations following Sainte-Marie’s (31) technique for paraffin inclusion.
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