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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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      2  ABSTRACT(SUMMARY) 摘要, 提要

      这部分是对整篇文章的高度概括或浓缩, 故要简单、明了。常用的词汇和句型有: Somebody studied(examined investigated , determined , found , reported ,interviewed , measured , documented , considered ,though evaluated , observed , .) 。运用这些动词, 所采用的时态通常是一般过去时和现在完成时。被动语态也屡见不鲜, 常见有: This study was taken to ex2 amine .; Patients with .were followed up for + 时间;It is showed that .; It is concluded that .; Indicationswere obtained that ., 等。结尾时常用的表达方法有:

      The results indicate ( show , state , suggest , demon2 strate , conclude , express .) that .; These findings have special importance in showing that .; The find2 ings have general significance in that .; This possibility is strengthening by the observation that ., 等等。例: Enzyme Linkel Immunosorbent Assay ( EL ISA) is used to the detection for antibody of anti -thy oglobulin in normal human serum , cord serum , and amniotic flu2 id. The results demonstrate that it seemed to be an cer2 tain rule that the lower appeared in the amniotic fluid , the highest in cord serum. Antibody is decreasing for a normal level with the grown -up age after birth. It is thus concluded that antibody of anti -thyroglobulin we measured may play a certain significance in diagnosis of cretinism by EL ISA. 作者采用EL ISA 对正常人的血清、脐带血清和羊水中的抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体进行了测定。其结果有一定规律: 抗体在胎生期首先出现,分娩时浓度达高峰, 而后随年龄增长逐渐降至正常水平。故测定该抗体对地方克汀病之诊断有一定意义。

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