中华人民共和国行业标准翻译服务规范 之服务质量标准
作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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erly or not;
*语法和词法是否正确,语言是否恰当; * If the grammars and wordings are correct, and if the expression is appropriate;
*是否遵守与用户商定的有关译文质量的协议; * If the terms and conditions of translation quality agreement are observed;
*译者的注释是否恰当。 * Whether the notes written by the translator(s) are appropriate;
根据与用户商定的译文用途认定审校的次数; Determine the proofreading times according to the translation purpose agreed with the customer;
作为协议的特别服务,还可以委托有资质的第三方来进行审核。 As a special service, it may be considered that a qualified third party is entrusted to perform further proofreading.
3.3.4 编辑 3.3.4 Editing
编辑人员应具有一定的资质。The editor shall be qualified.
编辑工作主要是根据原件的格式进行再加工的过程,使译件的版面字体符合GB11668-89,译件版面美观、大方、紧凑、图表排列有,与原文相对应,章节完整、编辑时,应使用与翻译审校有别的色笔,以示区别。 The editing is a rework process based on the format of the original copy of document, the fonts of the translation is in accordance with GB11668-89, the layout of the translation is nice, impact and the charts are in the corresponding place of the original copy. The paragraphs are complete. When editing, the color of the pen must differ from the proofreading pen.
3.3.5 录入 3.3.5 Typeset
录入工作人员应对应原件,按审校后的译件,根据编辑的要求和用户商定的软件,逐字录入。 The typesetter must input the translation text with the original copy and the proofread document in hand, according to the editor’s requirements and by the software agreed by the customer. 要求字体规范,无错别字,数据公式准确。 It is required the fonts are normalized, no wrong words and the formulas are correct.
3.3.6 文稿校对 3.3.6 Checking typeset
文稿校对时,应认真填写勘误表,交录入人员更正,并加以验核。 In the course of checking the typeset, the checker shall fill a corrigenda, which is given to the typesetter to correct his or her work, after that the correction is also validated.
3.3.7 质量检验 3.3.7 Quality inspection
质量检验人员应根据原件,译件,打字稿进行最终检验。 The quality inspector checks the final printing copy with the comparison of the original copy and the translation copy. 按照用户的要求,逐一进行检查。 The inspection is performed in accordance with the customer requirements.
3.3.8 印刷品及复印件 3.3.8 Printings and photocopies
印刷品及复印件的质量要求见CY/T13-95. For the quality requirements for the printings and photocopies, please see CY/T13-95.
3.4 质量保证和相应责任 3.4 Quality Assurance and Responsibilities
3.4.1 翻译成品的质量保证期为交件后的6个月内。 3.4.1 The quality guarantee period of the finished translation is six months since the date of delivery.
3.4.2 翻译成品的质量标准见TSS-101、TSS-102、TSS-103、TSS-104、TSS-105。 3.4.2 For the quality standard of the finished translation, please see TSS-101、TSS-102、TSS-103、TSS-104、TSS-105.
3.4.3 在质量保证期内,翻译服务企业逐(机构)对合格的译件存在的少量的错,漏可采取; 3.4.3 During the quality guarantee period, the translation service provider (institute) may perform the following corrections to the mistakes or missed parts which may occur in the translation.
(1)打字件(电子版)免费更正: (1) Correct the e-copy for free;
(2)印刷件免费出勘误表。 (2) For the publishing copy a corrigenda is issued for free.
3.4.4 对由于用户原因出现的修改,不属3.4.3节规定范畴。 3.4.4 If the correction is due t
*语法和词法是否正确,语言是否恰当; * If the grammars and wordings are correct, and if the expression is appropriate;
*是否遵守与用户商定的有关译文质量的协议; * If the terms and conditions of translation quality agreement are observed;
*译者的注释是否恰当。 * Whether the notes written by the translator(s) are appropriate;
根据与用户商定的译文用途认定审校的次数; Determine the proofreading times according to the translation purpose agreed with the customer;
作为协议的特别服务,还可以委托有资质的第三方来进行审核。 As a special service, it may be considered that a qualified third party is entrusted to perform further proofreading.
3.3.4 编辑 3.3.4 Editing
编辑人员应具有一定的资质。The editor shall be qualified.
编辑工作主要是根据原件的格式进行再加工的过程,使译件的版面字体符合GB11668-89,译件版面美观、大方、紧凑、图表排列有,与原文相对应,章节完整、编辑时,应使用与翻译审校有别的色笔,以示区别。 The editing is a rework process based on the format of the original copy of document, the fonts of the translation is in accordance with GB11668-89, the layout of the translation is nice, impact and the charts are in the corresponding place of the original copy. The paragraphs are complete. When editing, the color of the pen must differ from the proofreading pen.
3.3.5 录入 3.3.5 Typeset
录入工作人员应对应原件,按审校后的译件,根据编辑的要求和用户商定的软件,逐字录入。 The typesetter must input the translation text with the original copy and the proofread document in hand, according to the editor’s requirements and by the software agreed by the customer. 要求字体规范,无错别字,数据公式准确。 It is required the fonts are normalized, no wrong words and the formulas are correct.
3.3.6 文稿校对 3.3.6 Checking typeset
文稿校对时,应认真填写勘误表,交录入人员更正,并加以验核。 In the course of checking the typeset, the checker shall fill a corrigenda, which is given to the typesetter to correct his or her work, after that the correction is also validated.
3.3.7 质量检验 3.3.7 Quality inspection
质量检验人员应根据原件,译件,打字稿进行最终检验。 The quality inspector checks the final printing copy with the comparison of the original copy and the translation copy. 按照用户的要求,逐一进行检查。 The inspection is performed in accordance with the customer requirements.
3.3.8 印刷品及复印件 3.3.8 Printings and photocopies
印刷品及复印件的质量要求见CY/T13-95. For the quality requirements for the printings and photocopies, please see CY/T13-95.
3.4 质量保证和相应责任 3.4 Quality Assurance and Responsibilities
3.4.1 翻译成品的质量保证期为交件后的6个月内。 3.4.1 The quality guarantee period of the finished translation is six months since the date of delivery.
3.4.2 翻译成品的质量标准见TSS-101、TSS-102、TSS-103、TSS-104、TSS-105。 3.4.2 For the quality standard of the finished translation, please see TSS-101、TSS-102、TSS-103、TSS-104、TSS-105.
3.4.3 在质量保证期内,翻译服务企业逐(机构)对合格的译件存在的少量的错,漏可采取; 3.4.3 During the quality guarantee period, the translation service provider (institute) may perform the following corrections to the mistakes or missed parts which may occur in the translation.
(1)打字件(电子版)免费更正: (1) Correct the e-copy for free;
(2)印刷件免费出勘误表。 (2) For the publishing copy a corrigenda is issued for free.
3.4.4 对由于用户原因出现的修改,不属3.4.3节规定范畴。 3.4.4 If the correction is due t
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