作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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If any of the joint ventures wish to assign its registered capital,it must obtain the consent of the other parties to the venture.
译文:合营者的注册资本如果转让必须经合营各方同意。(英语的主语是any of the joint ventures“任何合营企业”,翻译成汉语时却将原文的一部分宾语变成了主语,因为英语中的主语要考虑能否作动词所表达的动作的执行者,汉语相对而言比较随便。)
We hand you herewith an order for 100 tons bar iron as per the particulars on the annexed specifications,and shall be glad to hear that you are able to complete the same.
译文:兹随函寄上100吨铁条定单一份。条件按附带规格中的具体规定。如贵公司能供货,当不胜感激。(此例,英文是一个句子,里面有一个并列谓语and shall be glad to hear和一个宾语从句that you are able to complete the same。如果将其翻译成一个长句,汉语显得不伦不类,将其分成三个句子处理就顺当得多)。
If the negotiations between the rich nations and the poor nations make headway,it is intended that a ministerial session in December should be arranged.
4 领会词类转换,把握句子、段落的联系
The economic growth rate has been noticeably affected by the chaotic state of the market.
During the half-hour talk,the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment,but they made no mention of the mode of transportation.
0ur terms are cash within three months of date of delivery,or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month.
译文:我公司付款条件为交货后三个月内交付现金。 如一个月内付清货款,可打九五折扣。(文中or subject to 5 per cent discount if paid within one month只是全句中的一部分,而 if paid within one month实际上是起从句作用,这样安排使句子各成分的内在联系十分紧密。翻译这个句子时,须将其拆成两个句子,因为汉语讲究句子之间的联系。
5 适当增词、减词。平衡断句与并句的关系
英汉语句子结构、表达方式、修辞手段不尽相同,所以为使译文更加精练,更符合汉语表达习惯,有时需要省略部分词语;而有时为了使译文更清楚,可按意义、修辞和句法的需要在译文中加人原文无其词而有其意的词, 使译文更加通达。同时也可将原文的一句话分成几句,或根据具体情况把两句话合成一句,及将原文的顺序作适当的调整,这样做的目的是使译文的意思完整准确。
We are pleased to have received your invitation to the symposium on Internet.
Perhaps you have overlooked the fact that your account for July purchases has not yet been settle.
This year the export quantity of black tea increased by 20 percent,and jasmine tea by 30 per cent.
译文:今年红茶的出口量增加了20% ,花茶的出口量增加了30%。(增加动词)
All preparation must be done well before you sign a contact.
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