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    专业术语翻译的综合方法:第二部分 An Integrated Approach to the Translation of Special Terms (II)

       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    ose for organic food."

           (3) As for the brand of those products, we think that Grefod, due to its succinctness, could be a good choice. However, it needs the support from the related departments of the Chinese Government by providing necessary information about Grefod. Meanwhile, they should also publicize this expression for people in other countries. Then, the foods containing the mark "Grefod" will be gradually accepted by foreigners. Another advantage lies in that it is easy for TL readers to associate with the expression, "Green Food" because of their similar pronunciations. We had originally thought of using capital letters and translate the semi-term as GREEN Food to provide English speakers with a visual clue, thus making them realize that it is not an ordinary phrase. However, Ms. Harman suggests that capitalization means shouting in English and is considered impolite in some contexts. Thus, this way is not suitable to be adopted.


           In this paper, an integrated approach to the translation of terms has been explained by using the English translation of lüse shipin as an example. When translating terms, a translator must acquire some basic knowledge about terminology, such as (1) how terms are formed by tracing its real-world referent; and (2) be aware of the fact that concept and term have a unique correspondence in domain-specific texts. Then the translator should resort to the corpus-based research (whether using corpora or the web as reference) to check the usage of SL terms and possible TL terms in their own linguistic environment. Only after careful analyses and thinking can the translator propose the appropriate translations for those terms which have not been confirmed by authoritative institutions.

           With the increase in the volume of translation, more and more translators are facing the task of translating in specific domains. "... it is well known that the search for interlingual equivalents is a time-consuming activity, occupying in some cases up to 60 per cent of total translator time"(Nkwenti-Azeh, 2004: 249). Hence, we look forward to more cooperation between countries, and establishment of more universally recognized term banks to promote the exchange in the international community.

           来源:By Zhu Yubin, Nanjing University

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