作者:古龙 2009-07-04

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9 句子成分重复
例:市政府对本届外贸洽谈会给予了大力支持。很多国家客商参加并签约了本次洽谈会。在此,我谨向所有支持本次大会的国外客商表示最衷心的感谢!错误罗嗦译文:The Municipal Government have given a big support to the trade business congress.M any businessmen who come from outside countries attend the congress and many businessmen have signed in the congress. Here I’d like to express my most sincere thanks to all businessmen who come from outside countries given us a support to the Congress.剖析:在这句话中,“国外客商”“Many businessmen from outside countries”在英语译文中反复出现,句子显得累赘,中文中没有“来自”,不要“who come”,动词“have done”的主语是“市政府”应用“has done”,还有“国外客商”“all businessmen”不是被给予支持的国外客商“given us a support”,而是给予我们支持的国外客商“who have given us a support”,因此不能省略“who have”。正确应译为:The Municipal Government has done a lot of work for the Trade Business Congress.Many businessmen from outside countries attend the congress and have signed in the congress.Here I'd like to express my most sincere thanks to all outside businessmen who have supported to the Congress.改译后句子简练,语法和句意也表达清楚了。
l0 句子无序排列
例:铁矿石是地球送给人类的重要资源之一。错误译文:The iron ore,it is the most important resources sent to human by earth.剖析:主语“铁矿石”“the iron ore”后“逗号”“,”位置点错,逗号后 的“it”,与“资源”“resources”在数方面也不一致,整个句子排列出错。正确应译为:The iron ore is one of the most important resources sent to human by earth或It is one of the most important resources of the iron ores sent to human by earth.
11 句子连接错误
例:加强钼工业健康和可持续发展,提高钼产业集中度和矿山企业的规模经济水平,强化钼资源的采后土地复垦和生态环境绿化,形成以大型矿业集团为主体,中小型矿山协调发展的矿产勘查开发新格局。错误译文:Strengthen health and keep on the development of the molybdenum industry and raise concentration degree and economic level of the molybdenum industry and enhance the useful effect of the molybdenum resources and turn again agrarian field after mining and turn back green of the ecosystem environment and form the large mineral industry group as principal part harmonized by the small scaled and middle mineral mountain enterprises to survey and exploit mine resources剖析:加强 “Strengthen……”,提高“raise……”,强化“enhance……”形成“form……”等全部用“和”“and”连接显得句子杂而乱,如改用逗号“,”分开的句型就简单多了,句子意思表达也更清楚。正确应译为:Strengthen health and keep on the development of the molybdenum industry, raise concentration degree and economic level of molybdenum industrial scale of the mineral mountain enterprises, enhance again agrarian field after mining and turning back green of the ecosystem environment, form the new structure of the large mineral industry group as principal part harmonized by the small scaled and middle mineral mountain enterprises to survey and to exploit mine resources.
12 中文式翻译病句
例:由于目前的原料价格上涨,我们无法修正我公司报价单上的条件。错误译文:Owing to the present rising price of raw materials,we can’t amend the conditions of our offer.剖析:文中“无法” “ can't change”应译为“are unable to change”,“修正”“amend”应为“修改”“change”,显然上述译文是按照中文方式来表达英文意思了。正确应译为:Owing to the present rising price of raw materials, we are unable to change the conditions of our offer.
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