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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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           七、陈诉 Complaint
           Having suffered from tuberculosis in the past, he complained occasionally
           of coughing, chest discomfort, and prostration.
           In 1961 she was admitted to the hospital complaining of (with complaint of ;because of ) mid-chest pain of recent onset, breathlessness and palpitations.

           -恐惧(眩晕、恶心、寒颤)感 a sensation of fear (giddiness, nausea, chill)
           -异物(压迫、窒息、烧灼、寒颤)感 foreign body (oppressive, strangling,
           burning, chilly) sensation (feeling)
           -喉头的痒感 itching sensation in one's larynx
           -模糊不舒服的感觉 vague ill feeling
           -咽喉上的束紧感 a feeling of constriction in one's throat
           -在咽喉右边的微痒感 a tickling feeling in the right side of the throat
           -在~后头部的特殊、难堪的感觉 a peculiar, weighty feeling in the back of one's head
           -在右上腹部深处的模糊不舒适感 a vague sense of unease deep in the right upper abdominal quadrant
           She has recently had (experienced) a sensation of something pressing on the bladder.
           He has a feeling of numbness of his face.

           Patient has had chills after dinner since last evening.
           可简写为Chills since last evening.
           C.C.:“Swelling of the stomach“ for 4 months.
           For 2 or 3 months, dyspnea and dizziness on work.

           -不完全可靠 be not entirely reliable
           -不甚明晰 be not clearly defined
           -有些模糊 be somewhat vague
           -无法获得 be unobtainable
           -不能申述适当的病历 can give no adequate history
           -混乱不很肯定 be uncertain and confused
           He could not give reliable information concerning former illness.
           Because of his mental agitation, no reliable history could be obtained.

           She was referred because there had been no relief with dermatologic treatment, including hospitalization.
           ex2:此病人现年27岁,是刚离婚的经产妇,经一所地方医院诊断 为阴道肿瘤而转入本院。
           The patient was a 27-year-old recently divorced multipara referred from a district hospital with a diagnosis of a vaginal tumor.

           -精力缺失 lack of energy
           -只诉说全身无力 complain only a slight generalized weakness
           -觉得遍身无力 feel week all over
           -不可言状的眩晕 nondescript dizziness
           -胸骨下方的不舒服灼感 substernal burning discomfort
           -饭后腹上部窘迫感 postprandial epigastric distress
           -心脏部疼痛 precordial pain
           -胸内苦闷或重压感 precordial oppression;pressure on the chest;tightness in the chest
           -全年性的过敏性鼻炎 perennial allergic rhinitis
           -季节性的支气管性喘息 seasonal bronchial asthma
           -一直不断地说胃痛和头痛 incessant complaints of stomach pains and headaches
           -尤其喝一杯牛奶后,有些不舒服的饱胀感 some uncomfortable full feeling especially after drinking one glass of milk
           -偶而一时丧失意识 have occasional blackouts
           -肩僵硬 stiff shoulder
           -觉气闷,觉气息不舒 feel stifling (suffocating)
           -感觉疲乏 become tired ( fatigued, weary);have a tired feeling;feel languid
           -觉全身寒栗 feel a cold shuddering pass all through~
           -觉得浑身发冷 fell a chill creep over~
           -头晕目眩 one's eyes swim in one's head
           -(~的)脚麻木 have a charlie horse (in one's leg)
           He complained almost ceaselessly of postprandial nausea.
           There was general debility, and pain in the legs become excruciating.


           a)He used to smoke a package of cigarettes a day, and now he smokes more than that.
           b)In the past he smoked a pack of cigarettes every day and now it is on the increase.
           c)Formerly he smoked daily a pack of cigarettes but now a little more than that.
           a)He has a history of excessive alcoholic intake during the past 10 years.
           b)He has drunk hard ( to excess; immoderately) for 10 years.
           c)He has been a heavy( hard; great) drinker since 10 years ago.
           a)In spite of everything( Though he had tried) to stop drinking, he did not succeed.
           b)He had abstained from drinking, but he still found it hard to rid himself of the habit.
           c)He had given up drinking once, but without a complete success.
           4.医学 全在.线提供
           a)He drinks a little at supper time.
           b)He always takes small evening drink( cups).
           c)He drinks some wine at supper.
           a)He does not drink at all.
           b)He does not touch glass.
           c)He is a teetotaler( total abstainer).
           a)He used to overwork and this caused his illness.
           b)As a result of constant overwork in the past he became ill.
           c)His sickness was induced by constant overwork.
           a)He could work 8 hours running without getting tired.
           b)He did not get tired working 8 hours straight.
           c)He could work 8 hours at a stretch without fatigue.
           d)He could work for eight consecutive hours without feeling tired.
           a)This infant, having been at full term, was born without any difficulty.
           b)This infant was given a normal birth after full gestation.
           c)This infant was born at full term with normal delivery.
           a)He did not get married until forty because of his poor health.
           b)Because of physical weakness he remained unmarried until 40.
           c)Physical weakness prevented him from getting married until 40.
           a)She has been married for 5 years, but she still remains sterile.
           b)She has been married for 5 years, but has never been pregnant.
           c)She has no child after 5 years of marriage.
           a)He goes to bed early but rises late.
           b)He has a habit of going to bed early and getting up late.
           c)He is used to going to bed early and rising late.

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