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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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           如: [Chest pain for 2 hours] 胸痛2小时
           如: [Nausea and vomiting of three days` duration] 恶心呕吐3天
           •症状+时间+in duration
           如: [Headache 1 month in duration] 头痛1月
           如: [Two-day history of fever] 发热2天
           • [Fever] 发热
           • [Pain] 疼痛
           • [Edema] 水肿
           • [Mucocutaneous hemorrhage (bleeding)] 皮肤粘膜出血
           • [Dyspnea (Difficuly in breathing;Respiratory difficulty;short of breath)] 呼吸困难
           • [Cough and expectoration (Sputum;Phlegm)] 咳嗽和咯痰
           • [Hemoptysis] 咯血
           • [Cyanosis] 紫绀
           • [Palpitation] 心悸
           • [Chest discomfort] 胸闷
           • [Nausea (Retch;Dry Vomiting)and Vomiting] 恶心和呕吐
           • [Hematemesis (Vomiting of blood)] 呕血
           • [Hematochezia (Hemafecia)] 便血
           • [Diarrhea] 腹泻
           • [Constipation (Obstipation)] 便秘
           • [Vertigo (Giddiness; Dizziness)] 眩晕
           • [Jaundice (Icterus)] 黄疸
           • [Convulsion] 惊厥
           • [Disturbance of consciousness] 意识障碍
           • [Hematuria] 血尿
           • [Frequent micturition,urgent micturition and dysuria] 尿频,尿急和尿痛
           • [Incontinence of urine] 尿失禁
           • [Retention of urine] 尿潴留
           • [Infective (Septic)fever] 感染性发热
           • [Non-infective (Aseptic)fever] 非感染性发热
           • [Dehydration (Inanition)fever] 脱水热
           • [Drug fever] 药物热
           • [Functional hypothermia] 功能性低热
           • [Absorption fever] 吸收热
           • [Central fever] 中枢性发热
           • [Fever type] 热型
           ▲ [Continuous fever] 稽留热
           ▲ [Remittent fever] 驰张热
           ▲ [Intermittent fever] 间歇热
           ▲ [Undulant fever] 波状热
           ▲ [Recurrent fever] 回归热
           ▲ [Periodic fever] 周期热
           ▲ [Irregular fever] 不规则热
           ▲ [Ephemeral fever] 短暂热
           ▲ [Double peaked fever] 双峰热
           • [Fever of undetermined(unknown) origin, FUO] 不明原因发热
           • [Rigor (shivering;chill;shaking chill;ague)] 寒战
           • [Chilly Sensation (Fell chilly;cold fits;coldness)] 畏寒
           • [Ultra-hyperpyrexia] 超高热
           • [Hyperthermia (A high fever;hyperpyrexia;ardent fever)] 高热
           • [Moderate fever] 中度发热
           • [Hypothermia (Low-grade fever;slight fever;subfebrile temperature)] 低热
           • [Become feverish (Have a temperature)] 发热
           • [Crisis] 骤降
           • [Lysis] 渐降
           • [Typhoid fever] 伤寒热
           • [Rheumatic fever] 风湿热
           • [Cancerous fever] 癌性发热
           • [Fervescence period] 升热期
           • [Defervescence period] 退热期
           • [Persistent febrile period] 持续发热期
           • [Backache (Back pain)] 背痛
           • [Lumbago] 腰痛
           • [Headache] 头痛医学.全.在线.网.站.提供
           ▲ [Vasomotor headache] 血管舒缩性头痛
           ▲[Post-traumatic headache] 创伤后头痛
           ▲[Migraine headache] 偏头痛
           ▲ [Cluster headache] 丛集性头痛
           • [Chest pain] 胸痛
           • [Precardial pain] 心前区痛
           • [Retrosternal pain] 胸骨后痛
           • [Abdominal pain (Stomachache)] 腹痛
           • [Acrodynia (pain in limbs)] 肢体痛
           • [Arthrodynia (Arthralgia)] 关节痛
           • [Dull pain] 钝痛
           • [Sharp pain] 锐痛
           • [Twinge pain] 刺痛
           • [Knife-like pain (Piercing pain)] 刀割(刺)样痛
           • [Aching pain] 酸痛
           • [Burning pain] 烧灼痛
           • [Colicky (Griping;cramp) pain] 绞痛
           • [Colic] 绞痛
           • [Bursting pain] 胀痛(撕裂痛)
           • [Hunger pain] 饥饿痛
           • [Tic pain] 抽搐痛
           • [Bearing-down pain] 坠痛
           • [Shock-like pain] 电击样痛
           • [Jumping pain] 反跳痛
           • [Tenderness pain] 触痛(压痛)
           • [Girdle-like pain] 束带样痛
           • [Wandering pain] 游走性痛
           • [Throbbing pain] 搏动性痛
           • [Radiating pain] 放射性痛
           • [Cramping pain] 痉挛性痛
           • [Boring pain] 钻痛
           • [Intense pain] 剧痛
           • [Writhing pain] 痛得打滚
           • [Dragging pain] 牵引痛
           • [Labor pain] 阵痛
           • [Cancerous pain] 癌性疼痛
           • [Referred pain] 牵涉痛
           • [Persistent pain (Unremitting pain)] 持续性痛
           • [Constant pain] 经常性痛
           • [Intermittent pain] 间歇性痛
           • [Mucous edema (Myxedema)] 粘液性水肿
           • [Cardiac (Cardiogenic) edema] 心源性水肿
           • [Nephrotic (renal) edema] 肾源性水肿
           • [Hepatic edema] 肝源性水肿
           • [Alimentary (Nutritional) edema] 营养不良性水肿
           • [Angioneurotic edema] 血管神经性水肿
           • [Pitting] 凹陷性
           • [Nonpitting] 非凹陷性
           • [Localized (Local) edema] 局限性水肿
           • [Generalized edema (Anasarca)] 全身性水肿
           • [Hydrops] 积水
           • [Elephantiasic crus] 橡皮肿
           • [Cerebral(Brain) edema] 脑水肿
           • [Pulmonary edema (Hydropneumonia0] 肺水肿
           • [Hydrocephalus] 脑积水医学全.在线网.站.提供
           • [Edema of endoscrinopathy] 内分泌病性水肿
           • [Invisible (Recessive) edema] 隐性水肿
           • [Frank edema] 显性水肿
           • [Inflammatory edema] 炎性水肿
           • [Idiopathic edema] 特发性水肿
           • [Cyclical edema] 周期性水肿
           • [Ascites (Abdominal effusion;hydroperiotoneum)] 腹水
           • [Pleural effusion (Hydrothorax)] 胸水
           • [Pericardial effusion (Hydropericardium)] 心包积液
           • [Bronchoedema] 支气管水肿
           • [Slight (Mild)] 轻度
           • [Moderate] 中度
           • [Serious] 重度
           • [Transudate] 漏出液
           • [Exudate] 渗出液
           • [Cardiac dyspnea] 心原性呼吸困难
           • [Inspiratory] 吸气性
           • [Expiratory] 呼气性
           • [Mixed] 混合性
           • [Obstructive] 梗阻性
           • [Dyspnea at rest] 静息时呼吸困难
           • [Dyspnea on exertion] 活动时呼吸困难
           • [Dyspnea on lying down] 躺下时呼吸困难
           • [Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,PND] 夜间阵发性呼吸困难
           • [Orthopnea] 端坐呼吸
           • [Asthma] 哮喘
           • [Cardiac asthma] 心源性哮喘
           • [Bronchial asthma] 支气管性哮喘
           • [Hyperpnea] 呼吸深快
           • [Periodic breathing] 周期性呼吸
           • [Tachypnea (Rapid or fast breathing;accelerated breathing;short of breath)]气促
           • [Bradypnea (Slow breathing)] 呼吸缓慢
           • [Irregular breathing] 不规则呼吸
           • [Bleeding spots in the skin] 皮肤出血点
           • [Petechia] 瘀点
           • [Eccymosis] 瘀斑
           • [Purpura] 紫癜
           • [Splinter hemorrhage] 片状出血
           • [Oozing of the blood (Errhysis)] 渗血
           • [Blood blister (Hemophysallis)] 血疱
           • [Hemorrhinia (Nasal bleeding)] 鼻衄
           • [Ecchymoma] 皮下血肿
           • [Dry cough (Nonproductive cough;hacking cough)] 干咳
           • [Sharp cough] 剧咳医学全在线www.med126.com
           • [Wet cough (Moist cough)] 湿咳
           • [Productive cough (Loose cough)] 排痰性咳
           • [Chronic cough] 慢性咳嗽
           • [Irritable cough] 刺激性咳嗽
           • [Paroxysmal cough] 发作性(阵发性)咳嗽
           • [Cough continually] 持续性咳嗽
           • [Spasmodic cough] 痉挛性咳嗽
           • [Whooping cough] 百日咳
           • [Winter cough] 冬季咳
           • [Wheezing cough] 喘咳
           • [Short cough] 短咳
           • [Distressed cough] 难咳
           • [Shallow cough] 浅咳
           • [Droplet] 飞沫
           • [Frothy sputum] 泡沫样痰
           • [Bloody sputum] 血痰
           • [Mucous (Mucoid) sputum] 粘液样痰
           • [Purulent sputum] 脓痰
           • [Mucopurulent sputum] 粘液脓性痰
           • [White (Yellow,green) sputum] 白(黄,绿)痰
           • [Fetid (Foul) sputum] 恶臭痰
           • [Iron-rust (Rusty) sputum] 铁锈色痰
           • [Chocolate coloured sputum] 巧克力色痰
           • [Thick sputum] 浓痰
           • [Thin sputum] 淡痰
           • [Viscous sputum] 粘痰
           • [Transparent sputum] 透明痰
           • [Much (Large amounts of) sputum] 大量痰
           • [Moderate amounts of sputum] 中等量痰
           • [Not much (Small amounts of ) sputum] 少量痰
           • [Goldstein’s hemoptysis]戈耳斯坦氏咯血
           • [Massive hematemesis]大量呕血
           • [Epistasis (Nosebleed;Nasal bleeding; Hemorrhinia;rhinorrhagia)]鼻衄
           • [Hematuria] 血尿
           • [Initial hematuria] 初血尿
           • [Idiopathic hematuria] 特发性血尿
           • [Painless hematuria] 无痛性血尿
           • [Terminal hematuria] 终末性血尿
           • [Gross (Macroscopic) hematuria] 肉眼血尿
           • [Microscopic hematuria] 镜下血尿
           • [Hematuria in the whole process of urination] 全程血尿
           • [Gingival bleeding (Ulaemorrhagia;gum bleeding)] 牙龈出血
           • [Hematochezia] 便血
           • [Bloody stool] 血便
           • [Black stool (Melena)] 黑便
           • [Tarry stool] 柏油样便
           • [Bleeding following trauma] 外伤后出血
           • [Spontaneous bleeding] 自发性出血
           • [Bleeding Continuously] 持续出血
           • [Occult blood,OB] 隐血
           • [Hematobilia] 胆道出血
           • [Hemathorax] 血胸
           • [Hemarthrosis] 关节积血
           • [Hematocoelia] 腹腔积血
           • [Hematoma] 血肿
           • [Hemopericardium] 心包积血
           • [Cerebral hemorrhage] 脑出血
           • [Subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)] 蛛网膜下腔出血
           • [Excessive (Heavy) menstrual flow with passage of clots] 月经量多伴血块
           • [Mild (Moderate) menses] 月经量少(中等)
           • [Painless Vaginal bleeding] 无痛性阴道出血
           • [Postcoital bleeding] 性交后出血
           • [Pulsating bleeding] 搏动性出血
           • [Post-operation wound hemorrhage] 术后伤口出血
           • [Excessive bleeding after denal extraction] 拔牙后出血过多
           • [Congenital cyanosis] 先天性紫绀
           • [Enterogenous] 肠源性
           • [Central] 中枢性
           • [Peripheral] 周围性
           • [Mixed] 混合性
           • [Acrocyanosis] 指端紫绀
           • [Vomiturition (Retching)] 干呕
           • [Feel nauseated] 恶心感
           • [Postprandial nausea] 饭后恶心
           • [Hiccup] 呃逆
           • [Sour regurgitation] 返酸
           • [Fecal (Stercoraceous) vomiting] 吐粪
           • [undigested food Vomiting] 吐不消化食物
           • [Bilious Vomiting] 吐胆汁
           • [Moning diarrhea] 晨泻
           • [Watery (Liquid)diarrhea] 水泻
           • [Mucous diarrhea] 粘液泻
           • [Fatty diarrhea] 脂肪泻
           • [Chronic (Acute)] 慢性(急性)
           • [Mild diarrhea] 轻度腹泻
           • [Intractable (Uncontrolled)diarrhea] 难治性腹泻
           • [Protracted diarrhea] 迁延性腹泻
           • [Bloody stool] 血梗
           • [Frothy stool] 泡沫样便
           • [Formless (Formed)stool] 不成形(成形)便
           • [Loose (Hard) stool] 稀(硬)便
           • [Rice-water stool] 米泔样便
           • [Undigested stool] 不消化便
           • [Dysenteric diarrhea] 痢疾样腹泻
           • [Inflammatory diarrhea] 炎症性腹泻
           • [Osmotic] 渗透性
           • [Secretory] 分泌性
           • [Malabsorption] 吸收不良性
           • [Lienteric] 消化不良性
           • [Pancreatic diarrhea] 胰性腹泻
           • [Tenesmus] 里急后重医学.全在.线www.med126.com
           • [Pass a stool (Have a passage; open or relax the bowel)] 解大便
           • [Have a call of nature] 便意
           • [Fecal incontinence (Copracrasia)] 大便失禁
           • [Functional constipation] 功能性便秘
           • [Organic constipation] 器质性便秘
           • [Habitual constipation] 习惯性便秘
           • [Have a tendency to be constipated] 便秘倾向
           • [Latent (occult) jaundice] 隐性黄疸
           • [Clinical jaundice] 显性黄疸
           • [Nuclear icterus] 核黄疸
           • [Physiologic icterus] 生理性黄疸
           • [Icterus simplex] 传染性黄疸
           • [Toxemic icterus] 中毒性黄疸
           • [Hemolytic] 溶血性
           • [Hepatocellular] 肝细胞性
           • [Obstructive] 阻塞性
           • [Congenital] 先天性
           • [Familial] 家族性
           • [Cholestatic] 胆汁淤积性
           • [Hematogenous] 血源性
           • [Malignant] 恶性
           • [Painless] 无痛性
           • [Somnolence] 嗜睡
           • [Confusion] 意识模糊
           • [Stupor] 昏睡
           • [Coma] 昏迷
           • [Delirium] 谵妄
           • [Syncope (swoon; faint)] 晕厥
           • [Drowsiness] 倦睡
           • [Enuresis (Bed-wetting)] 遗尿
           • [Anuria] 无尿
           • [Emiction interruption] 排尿中断
           • [Interruption of urinary stream] 尿线中断
           • [Nocturia] 夜尿
           • [Oliguria] 少尿
           • [Polyuria] 多尿
           • [Pass water (Make water; urinate; micturition)] 排尿
           • [Frequent micturition (Frequency of micturition; fruquent urination;
           Pollakiuria)] 尿频
           • [Urgent micturition (Urgency of urination or micturition)] 尿急
           • [Urodynia (Pain on micturition; painful micturition; alginuresis; micturition pain)] 尿痛
           • [Dysuria (Difficulty in micturition; disturbance of micturition)] 排尿困难
           • [Small urinary stream] 尿线细小
           • [Void with a good stream] 排尿通畅
           • [Guttate emiction (Dribbling following urination;terminal dribbling)] 滴尿
           • [Bifurcation of urination] 尿流分叉
           • [Residual urine] 残余尿
           • [Extravasation of urine] 尿外渗
           • [Stress incontinence] 压力性尿失禁
           • [Overflow incontinence] 溢出性尿失禁
           • [Paradoxical in continence] 反常性尿失禁
           • [Weekness( Debility; asthenia; debilitating)] 虚弱(无力)
           • [Fatigue (Tire; lassitude)] 疲乏
           • [Discomfort (Indisposition; malaise)] 不适
           • [Wasting (thin; underweight; emaciation; lean)] 消瘦
           • [Night sweating] 盗汗
           • [Sweat (Perspiration)] 出汗
           • [Cold sweat] 冷汗
           • [Pruritus (Iching)] 搔痒
           • [Asthma] 气喘
           • [Squeezing (Tightness; choking; pressing) sensation of the chest] 胸部紧缩
           • [Intermittent claudication] 间歇性跛行
           • [Difficulty in swallowing( Dysphagia; difficult swallowing; acataposis)] 吞咽困难
           • [Epigastric (Upper abdominal) discomfort] 上腹部不适
           • [Anorexia (Sitophobia)] 厌食
           • [Poor appetite (Loss of appetite)] 纳差
           • [Heart-burn( Pyrosis)] 胃灼热
           • [Stomachache( Pain in stomach)] 胃部痛
           • [Periumbilial pain] 脐周痛
           • [Belching (Eructation)] 嗳气
           • [Sour regurgitation] 返酸
           • [Abdominal distention(bloating)] 腹胀
           • [Pass gas( Break wink)] 肛门排气
           • [Small(Large) stool] 大便少(多)
           • [Expel(Pass) worms] 排虫
           • [Pain over the liver] 肝区痛
           • [Lumbago] 腰痛
           • [Pica(Parorexia; allotriophagy)] 异食癖
           • [Dysmenorrhea] 痛经
           • [Menoxenia (Irregular menstruation)] 月经不调
           • [Polymenorrhea (Epimenorrhea)] 月经过频
           • [Oligomenorrhea] 月经过少医学全.在线提供
           • [Excessive menstruation (Menorrhagia; menometrorrhagia; hypermenorrhea)] 经量过多
           • [Hypomenorrhea (Scantymenstruation)] 经量过少
           • [Menopause (Menostasia; menostasis)] 绝经
           • [Amenorrhea (Menoschesis)] 闭经
           • [Leukorrhagia] 白带过多
           • [Asexuality (lack of libido)] 无性欲
           • [Hyposexuality] 性欲低下
           • [Hypersexuality] 性欲亢进
           • [Prospermia (Ejaculatio praecox)] 早泄
           • [Impotency (impotence)] 阳萎
           • [Nocturnal emission (Spermatorrhea)] 遗精
           • [Lack of potency] 无性交能力
           • [Hair loss] 脱发
           • [Joint pain (Arthralgia; arthrodynia)] 关节痛
           • [Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)] 多饮(烦渴)
           • [Polyphagia (Excessive appetite; hyperorexia; bulimia)] 多食
           • [Cold (Heat) intolerance] 怕冷(热)
           • [Dwarfism (Excessive height)] 身材矮小(高大)
           • [Excessive sweating] 多汗
           • [Hands tremble] 手抖
           • [Obesity (Fatty)] 肥胖
           • [Agitation (Anxiety;nervous irritability)] 焦虑(忧虑)
           • [Mania] 躁狂
           • [Hallucination] 幻觉
           • [Aphasia (Logopathy)] 失语
           • [Amnesia (Poor memorization;memory deterioration)] 记忆力下降
           • [Hemianesthesia] 偏身麻木
           • [Formication] 蚁走感
           • [Tingling] 麻刺感
           • [Hyperpathia] 痛觉过敏
           • [Hypalgesia] 痛觉减退
           • [Illusion] 错觉
           • [Hemiplegia] 半身不遂
           • [Insomnia (Poor sleepness;sleeplessness)] 失眠
           • [Nightmare] 多梦
           • [Numbness] 麻木
           • [Pain in limbs (Acrodynia)] 肢体痛
           • [Limitation of motion] 活动受限
           • [Tetany] 手足抽搐
           • [Discharge of pus] 流脓
           • [Blurred vision(Hazy vision;blurring of vision; dimness of vision)]视物模糊
           • [Burning (Dry) sensation] 烧灼(干燥)感
           • [Tearing (Dacryorrhea;Lacrimation)] 流泪
           • [Double vision (Diplopia)] 复视
           • [Strabismus] 斜视
           • [Hemianopia] 偏盲
           • [Tired eyes (Eyestrain)] 眼疲劳
           • [Foreign body sensation] 异物感
           • [Lose the sight (Lose of vision)] 失明
           • [Diminution of vision] 视力减退
           • [Nictition] 眨眼
           • [Ophthalmodynia (Eye-ache;ocular pain)] 眼痛
           • [Photophobia] 畏光
           • [Spots before the eyes] 眼前黑点
           • [Deafness(Anacusia)] 耳聋
           • [Auditory dysesthesia] 听力减退
           • [Otalgia (Otodynia;pain in the ear ;ear-ache)] 耳痛
           • [Stuffy feeling in the ear] 耳闭气
           • [Tinnitus] 耳鸣医学 全在.线提供
           • [Outophony] 自声过强
           • [Nasal obstruction (blockage)] 鼻塞
           • [Dryness of the nose] 鼻干燥
           • [Rhinorrhea (Snivel;Nasal discharge)] 流鼻涕
           • [Sneezing] 打喷嚏
           • [Snoring] 打鼾
           • [Hyposmia (Reduction of the sense of smell)] 嗅觉减退
           • [Anosmia (Complete loss of sense of smell)] 嗅觉丧失
           • [Dysphonia] 发音困难
           • [Hoarseness] 声嘶
           • [Pain on swallowing] 吞咽痛
           • [Saliva dribblies from the mouth] 流涎
           • [Troaty voice] 声音沙哑
           • [Stridor] 喘鸣
           • [Red and swollen] 红肿
           • [Scurf] 头皮屑
           • [Show] 见红
           • [Amniotic fluid escaped] 破水
           • [Uterine contraction] 宫缩
           • [Acalculia] 计算不能
           • [Apathy] 情感淡漠
           • [Delusion] 妄想
           • [January,Jan.] 一月
           • [February,Feb.] 二月
           • [March,Mar.] 三月
           • [April,Apr.] 四月
           • [May] 五月
           • [June,Jun.] 六月
           • [July,Jul.] 七月
           • [August,Aug.] 八月
           • [September,Sept.] 九月
           • [October,Oct.] 十月
           • [November,Nov.] 十一月
           • [December,Dec.] 十二月

           • [Monday] 星期一
           • [Tuesday] 星期二
           • [Wednesday] 星期三
           • [Thursday] 星期四
           • [Friday] 星期五
           • [Saturday] 星期六
           • [Sunday] 星期日

           • [1st (First) year] 第1年
           • [2nd (Second) year] 第2年
           • [3rd (Third)year] 第3年
           • [4th (Forth) year] 第4年
           • [One year (day)] 1年(天)
           • [Two years (days)] 2年(天)
           • [Whole year] 整年
           • [1st (First)] 1日
           • [2rd (Second)] 2日
           • [3rd (Third)] 3日
           • [5th (Fifth)] 5日
           • [Today] 今天
           •前天[The day bdfore yesterday]
           •后天[The day after tomorrow]
           •大前天[3 days ago]
           •大后天[3 days hence]
           •昨晚[Last night]
           •明晚[Next night]
           •通宵[All night]
           •整天[All day (the whole day)]
           (4)季节[Season]和时节[Solar terms]
           •立春(夏、秋、冬)[the Beginning of Spiring (Summer;Autumn;Winter)]
           •小暑(雪、寒)[Slight Heat (Snow;Cold)]
           •大暑(雪、寒)[Great Heat (Snow;Cold)]
           •雨水[Rain Water]
           •惊蛰[the Waking of Insects]
           •春(秋)分[the Spiring (Autumnal) Equinox]
           •清明[Pure Brightness]
           •谷雨[Grain Rain]
           •小满[Grain Full]
           •芒种[Grain in Ear]
           •夏(冬至)[the Summer (Winter) Solstice]
           •处暑[the Limit of Heat]
           •白(寒)露[White (Cold) Dew]
           •霜降[Frost’s Descent]
               ▲在2003年[In 2003]
               ▲在3月[In March(Mar.)]
               ▲在去年10月[In last Oct.]
               ▲在早晨[In the morning]
               ▲在上午[In the forenoon]
               ▲在下午[In the afternoon]
               ▲在晚上[In the evening]
               ▲在近5天[In the past 5 days]
               ▲在10分钟后[In 10 minutes]
               ▲在秋季[In autumn]
               ▲在这2~3天内[In a couple of days]
               ▲在近8个月中[Within the last 8 months]
               ▲在过去的2年中[Within the preceding 2 years]
               ▲在2002的9月18日[On the 18th of September,2002(英国)or On   sept.18th,2002(美国)
               ▲在星期三[On Wednesday]
               ▲在本月7日[On 7th instant]
               ▲在中午[At noon]
               ▲在晚上[At night]
               ▲在昨晚[At last (preceding;previous )night]
               ▲在半夜[At midnight]
               ▲在上午10点钟[At 10AM]
               ▲在5岁时[At the age of five]
               ▲在2000年底(中、初)[At the end (middle;beginning) of 2000]
                   ▲一周[For one week]
               ▲近2个月来[For the past 2 months]
               ▲几乎(整整)一年[For nearly a month (a full month)]
               ▲3个月左右[For 3 months or so]
               ▲至少3个月[For at least 3 months]
               ▲3个月以上[For more than 3 months]
               ▲3个月或以上[For 3months or more]
               ▲时间不详[For an unknown(indefinite) period (time)]
               ▲10年内[Of 10 years` duration]
               ▲期间[Length of time]
               ▲6月6日[The 6th of June]
               ▲在2000-2005年的几年中[During the years form 2000 to 2005]
               ▲在这4年中[During four years]
               ▲在过去的几周中[During the past(Last) couple of weeks]
               ▲在夜间[During the night]
               ▲整天[During the entire day]
               •About [约]
               ▲约1个半小时[About one and half an hour]
               ▲大约半年[About half a year]
               ▲从今下午点至明上午8点[Form 6 PM today to 8 AM tomorrow]
               ▲6点45分[At fifteen to seven]
               ▲从14岁至52岁[From 14 to 52 year-old]
               ▲从上午7点30分开始[Form 7:30AM]
               ▲从周一至周五[From Monday through Friday]
               ▲在过去的3周中[In the past 3 weeks]
               ▲8点10分[ten minutes past eight]
               •Through or throughout[在……整个期间]
               ▲通宵值班[Be on duty through the night]
               ▲从一月到六月[From January through June]
               ▲熬过明晚[Through the next nigut]
               ▲整天(晚)[Throughout the day (night)]
                   ▲在过去的2个月内[Over the past two months]
           •每月(年、日)一次[Monthly (Yearly; daily)]
           •整整一年[Yearlong (Year-round)]
           •8小时工作日[An eight-hour day]
           •夏令时间[Daylight saving time]
           •After [在……之后]
               ▲婚后[After one`s marriage]
           ▲ 七点十分[Ten after (past) seven]
           ▲ 住(出)院后[After admission (discharge)]
           ▲ 起病后2天[2 days after the onset(attack) of symptoms]
           ▲ 7点50分之前[Before seven fifty]
           ▲ 医生到达前[Before the doctor come]
           ▲ 以前未有种症状[Have had not the same symptom before]
           ▲ 5年前[5 years ago]
           ▲ 直到一个月前[Up to one month ago]
           ▲ 大前天[Three days ago]
           •Prior to[在……之前]
           ▲ 入(出)院前[Prior to admission (discharge)]
           ▲ 前天之前[Prior to the day before yesterday]
           •Up to[直到]
           ▲ 直到3周前[Up to 3 weeks ago]
           ▲ 直到现在(出院)[Up to now (discharge)]
           •Until or till[直到]
           ▲ 直到80岁[Until 80 years old]
           ▲ 直到今晨8点[Until 8 o`clock this moning]
           ▲ 直到医生查完房[Until the doctor have finished the ward round]
           ▲ 直到3年以前[Until 3 years ago]
           ▲ 直到出院前一天[Until 1 day prior to discharge]
           •By[在……之前]医学 全在.线提供www.med126.com
           ▲ 下午点钟前[By 5 PM]
           ▲ 下个月之前[By next month]
           ▲ 自从去年术后[Since operation was performed last year]
           ▲ 前天起[Since the day before yesterday]
           ▲ 从2002年6月起[Since June 2002]
           •7点50分[Seven fifty (Ten to eight)]
           •9点20分[Nine twenty(Twenty past or after nine)]

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