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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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           •Medical university[医科大学]
           •Medical collega[医学院]
           •Collega of pharmacy[药学院]
           •Teatch school[卫生学校]
           •Nurses` (training) school[护士学校]
           •Academic adviser[学术顾问]
           •Chancellor (president)[校长]
           •Department chairman (head)[系主任]
           •Tutor (Counselor)[导师]
           •Research fellow[研究员]
           •School physician[校医]
           •Graduate student[研究生]
           •Family doctor[家庭医生]
           •Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine[中医师]
           •ENT doctor[五官科医生]
           •Internist (Physician)[内科医生]
           •Cardiac surgeon[胸外科医生]
           •Plastic surgeon[整形外科医生]
           •Chief resident[总住院医师]
           •Attending (physician in charge)[主治医生]
           •Head nurse[护士长]
           •Bechelor[学士]医.学 全,在.线,提供www.med126.com
           •Meeting room (Reference hall)[会议室]
           •Parking Lot (shed)[停车处(棚)]
           •Broadcasting station[广播站]
           •Administration building[行政大楼]
           •Office building[办公大楼]
           •Classroom (Teaching) building[教学大楼]
           •Bulletin board[布告栏]
           •Canteen (Dining room)[食堂]
           •English corner[英语角]
           •Central laboratory[中心实验室]
           •Lavatory (Toilet,Water-closet)[厕所]
           •Lecture theatre[阶梯教室]
           •News stall[报亭]
           •Accounting office[财务室]
           •Dean’s office[教务处]
           •Foreign affairs office[外事处]
           •General affairs office[总务处]
           •Medical education office[医教处]
           •Personnel office[人事处]
           •President office[校长办公室]
           •Reception office[接待室]
           •Registration office[报到处]
           •Teaching and research office[教研室]
           •Boiler room[锅炉房]
           •Janitor’s room[传达室]
           •Mail room[收发室]
           •Reference room[资料室]
           •Projection room[放映室]
           •Reading room[阅览室]
           •Swimming pool[游泳池]
           •Snack bar[小吃部]
           •Graduate school[研究生院]
           •School-run workshop[校办厂]
           •Pharmaceutical factory[制药厂]
           •Affiliated hospital[附属医院]
           •Teaching hospital[教学医院]
           •Blood bank[血库]
           •Anesthesiology dept.[麻醉科]
           •Cardiology dept.[心脏科]
           •Dermatology dept.[皮肤科]
           •Emergency room[急诊室]
           •Dental dept.[牙科]
           •ENT dept.[五官科]
           •General surgery dept.[普外科]
           •Infectious dept.[传染科]
           •Neurosurgery dept.[神经外科]
           •Neurology dept.[神经科]
           •Obstetrics and gynecology dept.[妇产科]
           •Oncology dept.[肿瘤科]
           •Ophthalmology dept.[眼科]
           •Nuclear medicine dept.[核医学科]
           •Orthopedics dept.[骨科]
           •Pediatrics dept.[小儿科]
           •Pathology dept.[病理科]
           •Skin (Dermatology) dept.[皮肤科]
           •Plastic surgery dept[整形外科]
           •Thoracic surgery dept.[胸外科]
           •Traditional chinese medicine dept.[中医科]
           •Traumatology dept.[创伤外科]
           •Urology dept.[泌尿科]
           •X-ray room[放射科]
           •Laboratory dept.[检验科]
           •Gastroenterology dept.[消化科]
           •Nephrology dept.[肾内科]
           •Hematology dept.[血液科]
           •Endocrinology dept.[内分泌科]
           •Stomatological dept.[口腔科]
           •Dispensary (pharmacy)[药房]
           •Internal medicine dept.[内科]
           •Surgical dept. [外科]
           •In-patient dept. [住院部]
           •Out-patient dept.[门诊部]
           •Nursing dept.[护理部]
           •B-mode ultrasonic room[B超室]
           •EKG room[心电图室]
           •Endoscope room[内镜室]
           •Gastroscope room[胃镜室]
           •Bronchoscope room[支气管镜室]
           •Operation room(OR)[手术室]
           •Nutrition room[营养室]
           •Dark room[暗室]
           •Developing room[冲洗室]
           •Heart function examination room[心功能室]
           •Injection room[注射室]
           •Dressing room[换药室]医.学 全在.线提供www.med126.com
           •Pulmonary function test room[肺功能室]
           •Physiotherapy room[理疗室]
           •Laser room[激光室]
           •Echo room[心超室]
           •DSA room[心导管室]
           •Vector-cardiography room[心向量室]
           •Phono-cardiography room[心音图室]
           •Vision fuuction examination room[视功能室]
           •Medical abministration dept.[医务部]
           •Personnel dept.[人事部]
           •Security section[保卫科]
           •Supply room[供应室]
           •Health information dept. [病案室]
           •Registration office[挂号处]
           •Waiting room[侯诊室]
           •Observation room[观察室]

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