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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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    第九节 包 装


           Pack(s) (Packing(s)) 包装 Supplys(Supplied) 包装

           Package(s) 包装 How Supplied 包装方式

           Packing for Hospital 医院用包装 Method of Supply 包装方式

           Package Quantitiess( Quantity)包装量


           Presentation 包装 Hospital (Size) Packs 医院用包装

           Availability 包装 Trade Packs(Packings) 商品包装

           Mode(Form)of Issue 包装

           2 常见的包装单位(工具)的英语表示法:

           ampoule(s) 安瓿 carton 纸盒

           blister pack(package) 铝塑包装(水泡眼包装)

           pack 包

           blister strip 铝塑条状包装(水泡眼条包装)

           sheet 张

           bottle 瓶

           strip 条

           box 盒

           tube 管

           canist 罐

           vial 玻璃小瓶

           3 药物的常见剂型的英语表示法:

           aerosol (spray, inhaler) 气雾剂 ampoule 针剂

           capsules 胶囊 oral solution 口服液

           coated(-)tablets 包衣片 pill 丸剂

           cream 乳膏 powder 粉剂

           derm TTS 皮肤贴膏 retard capsules (tablets) 缓释胶囊(片)

           dregees 糖衣丸 scored-tablets 刻(划)痕片

           drops 滴剂 solution 溶液剂

           emulsion 乳剂栓剂 sugar-coated tablets 糖衣片

           film-coated tablets 薄膜片。膜衣片

           suppositories 栓剂

           granule 颗粒 suspension 悬浮剂,混悬剂

           injection 注射剂,针剂

           sustainedrelease tablets 恒(缓)释片

           liniment 搽剂 syrup 糖浆

           liquid 液剂 tablets 片剂

           ointment 软膏

           4 本项的结构特点;内容结构简单,多为不完全句,或仅仅列出包装工具、剂型、装量等,词汇量容易阅读。

           例1 Presentation 30 capsules.


           例2 Packages:Box containing one 100 mg bottle

           包装:盒装,每盒1瓶,每瓶100 mg。

           例3 Packing Bottle of 12 capsules 250 mg and 500 mg.Bxo of 12 capsules 250 mg in blister.

           Bottle for pediatri use (granulated): 20 gm granulated contain 1 gm ampicillin, The content of the spoon included in the packing corresponds to 100 mg ampicillin.

           包装瓶装12粒胶囊,每粒含量250或500mg。盒装12粒胶囊(水泡眼包装),每粒含量250mg。瓶装儿童用颗粒剂:20克颗粒剂每瓶含有 1 g 氨苄青霉素。附在包装内的一匙的量,相当于1O0 mg 氨苄青霉素。医学 全在.线提供www.med126.com

           例4 Mode of issue Ceopran Is issued in vials containing 250 mg, 500 mg and 1 gram of cephaloridine.

           包装方式本品小瓶包装,内装 250mg、500mg及 1 g 头抱菌素II。

           例5 Trade packs Trade packs containing 50 and 100 sugar coated tablets.

           商品包装 50 及 100 糖衣片包装。

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