2009-6-9 22:19:17
       一、金融英语的主要特征分析       金融英语在具有通用英语特点的同时,具有自己独特的特征,如专业术语量大、专有名词多,常用...
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   作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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       贵方9月1日函及所附以George Bury公司为付款人、面额500美元见票后60日付款的汇票一张均已收悉,现已获得及时承兑,到期后将记入贵方贷方帐户。 
       I am favoured with your esteemed letter of the first Sept., encloseing $500 in a bill at sixty days' sight, on George Bury & Co., which, having been duly honoured, will appear to your credit at maturity. 
       Your three drafts on Martin & Co., to my order, have been accepted by Smith & Co. 
       Your draft under date of th 7th Oct., at 30 days' date to your own order, will be duly honoured. 


       We regret to state that the bill for $560,000 on Mr. sutoh, hsa been dishonoured by non-payment, and we shall be obliged by your remitting us $567,500, amount of same and charges incurred. 
       We state that your draft, No. 2345, for $2,500,000, duly accepted by Mr. Yano, has been dishonoured by non-payment. 
       3月1日已通知贵方的未获承兑的汇票,金额1,000,000美元, 虽已到期但未获清偿。我不得不将该票寄还并附寄拒付证书一份以及我的佣金和费用的帐目一份。这笔金额共计1,013,500美元,我已向贵方开出凭大木先生或指定付款人的即期汇票一张,请查收。 
       the draft for $1,000,000 which, as I advised you on the 1st March had not been accepted, having since become due and not being discharged, I have now to return it to you with a protest for non-payment, together with an account of my commission and charges, amounting to $1,013,500, for which I have drawn on you at sight, to the order of Mr. Ohki.

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