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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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            福建医科大学学报990339 根据当代语言学的观点,人们在不同的社会活动领域内进行交际时,由于不同的交际环境,就各自形成了一系列运用语言材料的特点,这就是语体[1]。根据不同的言语环境,语体首先分为日常谈话语体和公众书卷语体两大类。科学语体是书卷语体的一种,科学语体的功能是准确而系统地叙述自然、社会和思维现象,论证这些现象的规律性。这种语体用词精确,专门术语较多,句法完整,扩展句多,一般不带修辞感情色彩,它服务于科学技术领域和生产领域。


            1 强调句

            “It is(was)…that…”是一种强调句型,用来强调that从句前面的成分(主语、宾语、状语等),这个that在指物时也可用which,在指人时也可用who(whom) ,但不论在强调时间或地点时,都不能用when或where来代替that。翻译时可把这种强调结构译为“是……”、“正是……”、“就是……”等。

            ●It is the breast that is the leading organ site for cancer in American women[2].乳房是美国妇女癌症的首先好发的器官位置。

            ●It is when the body temperature is rising rapidly that the affected person may feel chilly. 正是在体温上升时患者可感觉发冷。

            2 被动句


            2.1 可在动词前加“被”、“给”、“由”、“受”等词,译成汉语中带有被动意义的句子。

            ● The disease is caused by a virus.此病是由一种病毒引起的。

            ● The swelling is often mistaken for a bone prominence[3].这类肿胀常被误认为是一种骨隆突.

            2.2 采用“把”、“将”、“使”等动词,置于原文主语(受动者)之前的方法,译成汉语的主动句。

            ● The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action.心脏活动加快和增强可使血流增加。

            2.3 一般带有情态动词can,may,must,should等的被动句,可译成汉语的无主语句。

            ● Examinations should be carried out to exclude tuberculosis, bronchial carcinoma and intrabronchial foreign body.[4] 应进行各种检查以排除结核病、支气管癌和支气管内异物。

            ● The patient with chronic bronchitis must be urged to stop smoking. 必须力劝慢性支气管炎患者戒烟。

            2.4 医学英语中使用以“it”作形式主语,以被动语态作谓语,其后接以由“that”引起的主语从句的表达方式是很常见的。这类习惯用语可一律汉译为主动结构,即将原文中的主语从句置于译文中的宾语位置。有的可以不必加主语,有的则必须加上表示泛指的主语,如“有人”、“人们”或采用带有“据”字的结构。

            ● It is estimated that more than 90 antigenically different strains of known types of respiratory viruses cause the common cold syndrome[4].据估计,在已知的呼吸道病毒中有90种以上抗原不同的菌株能引起感冒综合征。

            ● It has been suggested that early treatment of streptococcal infections with penicillin may prevent nephritis.[4] 有人认为,用青霉素对链球菌感染作早期治疗可以预防肾炎。

            3 倒装句

            采用倒装词序的原因有二:(1) 由于一定语法结构的需要,如在疑问句中或在there be 句型中;(2)由于强调某些词的需要,采用倒装词序,常见的有以下几种情况。

            3.1 在以only,never,no,little,rarely,hardly等否定词或well,often等肯定词开头的句中。

            ● Enlargement of the liver and spleen occurs early, but rarely are lymph nodes tender.[4] 早期出现肝脾肿大,但淋巴结压痛确属罕见。

            ● On no account should any medicine be given in such cases. 对这类病例决不应投用任何药物。

            ● Often did we warn him not to smoke too much. 我们曾经常告诫他不要吸烟过多。

            3.2 在以so开头的肯定句,表示“… …也如此”的概念时,句子必须倒装。以nor或neither开头的肯定句,表示“……也不”的概念时,句子也应采取倒装词序。

            ● She studies hard and so do other interns. 她学习努力,其他实习医生也如此。

            ● It is not known how these agents act; nor is it clear what role they play. 不知道这些因素如何起作用,也不了解它们能起什么作用。

            3.3 当句子以many a time开头时,应采用倒装词序。

            ● Many a time did we make blood count for the patient. 我们曾多次为那病人作血细胞计数。

            ● Many a time has the doctor met with such cases. 那位医生曾多次遇到这类病例。

            3.4 在表示“……是指……”时,经常使用动词mean的被动态,而且习惯采取倒装词序,把by置于句首。

            ● By immunity is meant the ability of the host to resist infection.[3]免疫就是指宿主对感染的抵抗力。

            ● By metabolism is meant all the chemical changes going on in the human body.[3]新陈代谢是指人体内所进行的一切化学变化。

            4 比较句


            4.1 比较级+than用于同一主体的比较,表示对than后面成分的否定,可译为“不……而……”。“是……而不是……”相当于rather than。

            ● The emphasis of this report lies in prevention more than in early detection of cancer. 这个报告的重点在于预防癌症,而不是早期发现癌症。

            4.2 比较级前面有否定词(no,not等)时,实际上具有肯定的最高级含义,常可按最高级来翻译。

            ● In no area of medicine is accurate diagnosis more important or,in many instances,more difficult. 在医学领域内,准确诊断是最重要的问题,在许多情况下也是最困难的问题。

            4.3 比较级+than(主要为more than)有时也可译为“不仅”,如果前面有否定词,则可译为“仅仅”,“不过是”。

            ● Such operation requires more than the skill of a surgeon. 这种手术不仅仅需要外科医生的熟练技巧。

            ● No known treatment modifies the course of the disease more than temporarily. 目前尚无改变此病病程的疗法,已有的疗法亦不过暂时见效而已。

            5 虚拟语气


            5.1 虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的应用

            在非真实条件从句中的动词虚拟语气可分为三类:(1)were型(表示与现在事实相反);(2)should be型(表示与将来事实相反);(3)had been型(表示与过去事实相反)。如果将这类条件从句中的were,should、had提前置于句首,则可将连词if省略而成为不完全省略句。

            ● If the capillaries of the lung were joined end to end,they would form a minute tube some 3000 miles long.[4] 如果将肺的毛细血管衔接起来,就会形成一条长约3000哩的细管。

            ● What would be done if the patient should develop allergy to penicillin? 如果病人真要对青霉素过敏,那该要采取什么措施呢?

            ● If he had been inoculated against smallpox, he would not have contracted the disease. 如果他真的种过牛痘的话,他就不会得病了。

            ● Had the patient followed the doctor's advice,he would have recovered long ago. 要是病人能听从医生的劝告,早就应该复原了。

            5.2 were型虚拟语气可用于wish后接的宾语从句中表示动作不可能实现或实现可能性不大;也可用于as if, as though引起的方式状语从句,表示并非真实情况。

            ● I wish I were younger. 但愿我年轻些。

            ● The heart works as if it were a pump.[2] 心脏的活动好象泵一样。

            5.3 should be型虚拟语气在其他从句中的应用

            ●should be型虚拟语气可用在主语从句中,常见的句型有:It is necessary that…,It is recommended that…,表示“建议”、“要求”、“必须”做的事。从句中的should有时可省略。

            ●should be型虚拟语气还可用在lest引起的目的状语从句和由连词whether(不论)引起的让步状语从句。

            ● It is important that the malignant tumour be removed as thoroughly as possible in surgery to avoid its metastasis and recurrence. 重要的是手术时恶性肿瘤的切除应尽可能彻底,以免转移和复发。

            ● It has been decided that an operation be performed on the cancer patient. 已经决定对那个癌症患者动手术。

            ● Patients with influenza must be separated from the well lest the disease should spread from person to person. 流感病人必须与健康人隔离,以避免疾病的传播。

            ● With any change of structure,whether it be microscopic or macroscopic,there is some degree of change of function. 只要结构发生任何变化,不论肉眼能否看得见,在功能上也会有某种程度的变化。

            6 what引起的名词性从句

            what常可用来引起主语从句、 宾语从句和表语从句。 但应注意what引起这几种从句时有两种情况。(1)what用作疑问代词性的连接代词,what表示的是一个问题,应汉译为“什么”,“什么样的”,有时也可不译出。(2)what用作关系代词性的连接代词,意义相当于that which(those which) 或the thing which,the man(men)who,可以译为“所……的(事物)。”

            ● The difficulty is to know what we mean by a virus. 困难在于懂得病毒指的是什么。

            ● What has been found by necropsy is of utmost importance. 尸检所发现的(问题)是极其重要的。

            ● The cancer patient is not what he was a few months ago. 那个癌症病人已不是几个月前那个样子了。

            7 It作形式主语的句型 当动词不定式、动名词或从句作主语时,通常把它们放在谓语之后,而用一个引导词it放在句首,作形式主语。此处的it没有实际意义,可以省略不译。

            ● It is useless to apply chemotherapy at this period of time. 在此阶段化疗是没有价值的。

            ● It is necessary to have his chest X-rayed. 有必要让他作胸透。

            ● It is certain that more and more diseases which are incurable for the time being will be brought under control in the years to come. 可以肯定的是:越来越多的目前暂时无法治愈的疾病将在今后几年中得到控制。

            8 too…to…句型

            “too+形容词或副词+动词不定式”这种句型是“太……以至不能……”的意思。如果“too…to…”结构中有否定词或but,only时, 句中不定式所表示的就是肯定意义,but too,only too可译为“非常”。

            ● A microorganism is a tiny living thing,too small to be seen by the naked eye.[4] 微生物是一种小得肉眼看不见的活体。

            ● It is never too late to learn. 学习不嫌晚。

            ● The veteran physician is too experienced not to know how to treat the emergency case.[4]这位高年医生经验非常丰富,他知道如何处理这种急症病例。

            ● They are only too glad to have these doctors give them medical help. 他们非常高兴有这些医生来给他们看病。

            9 cannot…too…句型

            “cannot…too…”一般用于“can not+动词原形(常为be)+too+形容词、副词或分词等”的句型中,意思是“无论怎样……也不会过分”,常可译为“应尽量……”。

            ● The harmful results of pollution cannot be underscored too markedly.[4] 污染的有害后果怎么强调也不过份。

            ● It cannot be too emphasized that a combination of Chinese and Western method instead of surgery is justified in certain acute abdominal cases.[4] 应尽量强调,在某些急腹症病例中用中西医结合的方法代替外科手术是适宜的。


            ● The importance of a complete and accurate case history cannot be overemphasized. 应尽量强调完整而正确的病史的重要性。

            ● One can never be too careful in one's work. 工作应该尽可能过细。


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