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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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           Patient: Good morning, doctor.

           Chemist: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

           Patient: Can you fill the prescription for me?

           Chemist: Of course. Please show me the Prescription.

           Patient: Here you are.

           Chemist: Just a moment, please. All right. Your prescrition is ready.

           Patient: Thank you very much.

           Chemist: Don't mention it. By the way, you got the prescription from Dr. Johson, didn't you?

           Patient: Yes, indeed.

           Chemist: Did he tell you how to take the medicine?

           Patient: No. he didn't say anything about it.

           Chemist: All right. Let me tell you what you have to do. Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals.

           Patient: How about this cough syrup?

           Chemist: First shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.

           Patient: Thank you very much indeed.

           Chemist: You're welcome. I hope you will recover in no time.

           单词 Words:

           prescription  n. 药方

           tablet  n. 药片

           syrup  n. 糖浆

           spoonful  n. 勺

           recover  vi康复


           fill the prescription  抓药

           by the way  顺便问一下

           take the medicine  服药

           three times a day  每日三次

           in no time  很快

           句子 Sentence Patterns:

           Can you fill the prescription for me?

           Please show me the Prescription.

           Just a moment, please.

           Take two of these tablets three times a day after meals.

           First shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.

           I hope you will recover in no time.

           相关单词 Related Words

           prescription  药方

           recipe  配方

           tablet  药片

           pill    药丸

           bolus  大药丸

           powder  药粉,药散

           ointmnet  药膏

           plaster  膏药

           capsule  胶囊

           emulsion  乳剂

           syrup   糖浆

           mixture  合剂

           tincture  药酊

           injection  注射剂

           相关短语 Related Phrases

           proved recipe  验方

           secret recipe  秘方

           medicinal materials  药材

           medicinal liquor  药酒

           medicinal herb  药草

           medicinal liquid  药水

           absorbent cotton  药棉

           adhsiveplaster  胶布

           ethyl alcohol  酒精

           tincture of iodine  碘酒

           distilled water  蒸馏水

           cooling ointment  清凉油

           相关表达方式 Related Expressions

           Please take the medicine according to the instruction.

           I'd like you to take one of these pills three times a day.

           I'll give you a dose of streptomysin.

           These tablets are to keep the fever down.

           These tablets should clear up the trouble.

           These vitamin B and C are to build up your resistance.

           This is for reducing the fever.

           This medicine will give you quick relief.

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