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       作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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      6 地名

      Asia 亚州, Europe 欧州, Beijing 北京

      17 Changle West Road, Xi’an 710033, Shaanxi Province, China 中国陕西省

      西安 市长乐西路17号

      7 专有名词

      时代 Stone Age, Old Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Middle Age, C

      hristian Era

      太阳系 Solar System, The Milky Way, the Galaxy

      卫星等 Big Dipper, 85 Pegasi, Saturn, Ursa Major, NGC 6165

      宗教等 Buddhism, Catholician, Islam, Muslim

      思想等 Marxism, Leninism

      地质时代及地层单位 Neogene 晚第三纪,

      Holocene 全新世统 地质符号 Qh 全新世, T2 中三叠世,

      D3 晚泥盆世, Z1早震旦世 奖金基金 Nobel Prize, China National N

      atural Science Foundation

      事件 Industrial Revolution, South Sea Bubble

      其他 India ink, Paris green, Prussian blue, Rad Army, World War I,

      Boeing 707, Project Apollo, A-bomb, Q-fever, X-ray, X-linked

      8 德语名词Dampf 蒸汽

      9 基因产物的名词

      C-myc protein C-myc 蛋白

      Ras product Ras 产物

      10 句首

      Gene therapy is now available. 当代基因治疗已经可行.

      AIDS is preventable today. 艾滋病现在是能够预防的.

      11 诗词每行之首

      AH CHLORISTUNE: Major Graham


      Ah, Chloris, since it may not be That thou of love wilt hear,

      If from the lover thou maun flee,Yet let the friend be dear!

      12 分项之开头

      a. Origin of the newspaper.

      b. Structure of a newspaper.

      c. Educational value of the newspaper.

      13 每个直接引语之首

      He asked,“Why are you here”


      Let us hope for rest when we have“crossed the bar.”

      14 每一个决议之首

      Resolved, that more attention should be given to the study of capit


      My Country: May she ever be right.


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