2009-6-9 22:19:17
       一、金融英语的主要特征分析       金融英语在具有通用英语特点的同时,具有自己独特的特征,如专业术语量大、专有名词多,常用...
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   作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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uch bank is prepared to issue the operative credit instrument or the operative amendment thereto.Unless otherwise stated in such preliminary advice by the issuing bank, an issuing bank having given such pre—advice shall be irrevocably committed to issue or amend the credit,in terms not inconsistent with the pre—advice,without delay.




       例1:The buyer shall pay the manufacturer US$1 5 9 000 within 1 5 days after X bank has received the following documents from the manufacturer and found them in order,but not earlier than 6(six) months after the date the contract plant for the first time reached 98 of guaranteed capacity of the whole contract according to the guaranteed quality indices as per the contract or 24 months after the date of signing the contract,whichever is earlier.

       此句中包含一个非常冗长繁杂的时间状语,规定了买方承担付款义务的具体时间。翻译此类句子,首先要注意把握几点关键的时间点,如:“within 15 days after X bank⋯ but not later than 6(six) months after⋯ ‘or 24 months after⋯whichever is earlier”一定要清楚地表达出来,不能误译。模糊或错误地翻译会使整个译文失去价值,甚至造成巨大的经济损失。其次,通过分析句子结构,我们可以发现“but”后面的部分实际是对“within 15 days after X bank has received the following documents from the seller and found them in order”的补充,同时,语义上有转折关系。从英语和汉语组句和表达方式来看, 上例句中如此冗长的状语放在句末,合乎英语语法,便于读者的理解。但如果机械地将之原封不动的译 成汉语并置于谓语动词之前,就会条理不清,难以达意。因此,翻译此句时可以采用拆分法,将表示补充 内容的较长部分转换成汉语的并列句,并将原文中时间状语所修饰的谓语部分核心,即“支付款项”转译 为并列句的主语,即译成:

       买方须于x银行收到制造商下列单据,并经审核证实无误后15天内向其支付159 000美元,但此款项的支付不得早于合同工厂第一次达到合同所规定之质量保证指标的98 以后的6个月,或本合同签字后的24个月,以早到的日期为准。

       例2:If under the contract the buyer is to specify the packing,measurement or other feathers of the goods and he fails to make such specification either on the date agreed upon or within a reasonable time after receipt of a request from the seller,the seller may,without prejudice to any other rights the buyer may have,make the specification himself in accordance with the requirements of the buyer that may be known to him.

       此例句中由if引导的条件状语十分冗长,且包含由“and”联接的两句,具有两层含义。第二句中又包含了一个时间状语“either on the date agreed upon or w

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           一、金融英语的主要特征分析       金融英语在具有通用英语特点的同时,具有自己独特的特征,如专业术语量...
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