2009-6-9 22:19:17
       一、金融英语的主要特征分析       金融英语在具有通用英语特点的同时,具有自己独特的特征,如专业术语量大、专有名词多,常用...
Jun. 16 2009    Cloudy    登陆 注册


   作者:古龙   2009-07-04
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       Tell me the current rate for RMB, please.
       What's your selling rate for RMB yuan in notes today?
       What's the dollar going for today?
       Our buying rate for notes is 523 yuan for 100 dollars.
       It's 200 French francs at today's selling rate.
       The buying rate of U.S. dollar notes is 460 yuan per hundred dollars.

       Useful Phrases
       buying rate 买进价格
       selling rate 卖出价格
       And how much will it be in Japanese currency?
       How much would I get for 300 Japanese yen?
       I'd like to know the exchange rate for German marks.
       What rate are you giving?
       What's the exchange rate today?
       Please tell me what you would give me for my U.S. dollars.
       Please tell me the current rate for sterling.
       If you'll wait a moment, I'll find out the rates of exchange.
       Please wait a moment. I'll find out the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and RMB.
       It's 470 yuan for 100 dollars.
       The exchange rate today is 200 yen to the pound.
       The rate for traveler's cheques is 300 yuan against 100 dollars.
       These dollars are worth 1,000 yuan.
       Useful Phrases
       exchange table, conversion table 汇兑换算表
       foreign exchange 外汇
       exchange rate 外汇率
       conversion rate 折合率
       foreign exchange restriction 外汇限额
       foreign exchange quotations 外汇行情
       to check the rate for sb. 查牌价

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    2009-6-9 22:19:17
           一、金融英语的主要特征分析       金融英语在具有通用英语特点的同时,具有自己独特的特征,如专业术语量...
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